| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Committee on Transportation and Public Utilities to hold hearings to examine the Philadelphia Water Department request to increase water, sewer and stormwater rates and charges and its impact on the citizens of Philadelphia. | HEARING NOTICES SENT | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Committee on Transportation and Public Utilities to hold hearings to examine the Philadelphia Water Department request to increase water, sewer and stormwater rates and charges and its impact on the citizens of Philadelphia. | HEARING HELD | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Committee on Transportation and Public Utilities to hold hearings to examine the Philadelphia Water Department request to increase water, sewer and stormwater rates and charges and its impact on the citizens of Philadelphia. | RECESSED | | |
Action details
Not available