Meeting Name: CITY COUNCIL Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/20/2025 10:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Room 400, City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
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250261 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting an Ordinance repealing in its entirety Bill No. 240972 (approved December 23, 2024), entitled “An Ordinance amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Zoning and Planning,” by revising certain provisions of section 14-906, entitled “Market Street East Sign Regulations,” all under certain terms and conditions.”READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
250262 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting an Ordinance repealing in its entirety Bill No. 240971 (approved December 23, 2024), entitled “An Ordinance amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled Zoning and Planning, by amending certain definitions relating to signs; creating an “Arena Area” within the “/CTR, Center City Overlay District” overlay; and making related changes, including a master plan requirement and changes to accessory sign controls; all in connection with zoning rules for a proposed arena in Center City; and approving a master plan for the Arena Area; all under certain terms and conditions.”READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
250263 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting a Resolution repealing in their entirety the following Ordinances, all approved December 23, 2024: Bill No. 240966 (granting the necessary authorizations for the City to help facilitate development of a new arena for the Philadelphia 76ers); Bill No. 240967 (authorizing the execution of a Service Agreement between the City and PAID); Bill No. 240968 (authorizing striking Filbert Street from 10th Street to 11th Street from the City Plan; Bill No. 240969 (authorizing striking certain aerial portions of Tenth Street between Market Street and Filbert Street from the City Plan); Bill No. 240970 (authorizing the construction and maintenance of various right of way encroachments in the vicinity of the proposed arena); Bill No. 240963 (amending the existing Gallery at Market East Tax Increment Financing District in the area of the proposed arena); and Bill No. 240973 (approving the amendment of a neighborhood improvement district in the area of the proposed arena).READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
250264 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting a Resolution authorizing the Philadelphia Land Bank to dispose of 708 N. Shedwick Street, 710 N. Shedwick Street, 714 N. Shedwick Street and 723 N. Shedwick Street located in the 3rd Councilmanic District in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-700 of The Philadelphia Code.READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
250265 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting a message advising you that on March 19, 2025, I signed the following bills, which were passed by Council at its session on March 06, 2025: Bill Number 241081 Bill Number 241083 Bill Number 241107 Bill Number 250002 Bill Number 250004 Bill Number 250005 Bill Number 250006 Bill Number 250007 Bill Number 250008 Bill Number 250009 Bill Number 250046 Bill Number 250047 Bill Number 250048 Bill Number 250049 Bill Number 250069 Bill Number 250070READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
250240 0  BillAmending Chapter 12-900 (“Parking Regulations and Penalties”) and Chapter 12-2800 (“Administrative Adjudication of Parking Violations”) of The Philadelphia Code revising penalties related to parking certain large vehicles, including boats, motor homes, house coaches, house trailers, truck campers, recreational cargo trailers, and recreational trailers, under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
250241 0  BillAmending Section 2 of an Ordinance (Bill No. 220454), approved November 30, 2022, entitled “An Ordinance Authorizing the vacating of Krewstown Road from Norwalk Road to its terminus southwestwardly therefrom, under certain terms and conditions,” by extending the period for compliance with the terms and conditions stated therein.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
250242 0  BillRepealing in its entirety Bill No. 240972 (approved December 23, 2024), entitled “An Ordinance amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Zoning and Planning,” by revising certain provisions of section 14-906, entitled “Market Street East Sign Regulations,” all under certain terms and conditions.”Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
250243 0  BillRepealing in its entirety Bill No. 240971 (approved December 23, 2024), entitled “An Ordinance amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled Zoning and Planning, by amending certain definitions relating to signs; creating an “Arena Area” within the “/CTR, Center City Overlay District” overlay; and making related changes, including a master plan requirement and changes to accessory sign controls; all in connection with zoning rules for a proposed arena in Center City; and approving a master plan for the Arena Area; all under certain terms and conditions.”Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
250244 0  BillRepealing in their entirety the following Ordinances, all approved December 23, 2024: Bill No. 240966 (granting the necessary authorizations for the City to help facilitate development of a new arena for the Philadelphia 76ers); Bill No. 240967 (authorizing the execution of a Service Agreement between the City and PAID); Bill No. 240968 (authorizing striking Filbert Street from 10th Street to 11th Street from the City Plan; Bill No. 240969 (authorizing striking certain aerial portions of Tenth Street between Market Street and Filbert Street from the City Plan); Bill No. 240970 (authorizing the construction and maintenance of various right of way encroachments in the vicinity of the proposed arena); Bill No. 240963 (amending the existing Gallery at Market East Tax Increment Financing District in the area of the proposed arena); and Bill No. 240973 (approving the amendment of a neighborhood improvement district in the area of the proposed arena).Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
250245 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Philadelphia Land Bank to dispose of 708 N. Shedwick Street, 710 N. Shedwick Street, 714 N. Shedwick Street and 723 N. Shedwick Street located in the 3rd Councilmanic District in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-700 of The Philadelphia Code.Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250246 0  ResolutionRecognizing March as National Nutrition Month in the City of Philadelphia to raise awareness of the importance of nutrition education and healthy eating habits, and to recognize the contributions of Vetri Community Partnership in promoting community health and wellness.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250247 0  ResolutionRecognizing March 2025 as “Creative and Nighttime Economies and Arts in Education Month” in the City of Philadelphia.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250248 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Committee on Legislative Oversight to hold hearings on the status, conditions, operations, and economic factors at the Philadelphia Museum of Art to ensure the future of this City cornerstone as we prepare to welcome the world in 2026.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250249 0  ResolutionHonoring Victim/Witness Services of South Philadelphia for 35 years of dedicated service to those affected by violence in South Philadelphia and across the City.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250250 0  ResolutionAppointing Malika Rahman to the Citizen’s Police Oversight Commission.Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250251 0  ResolutionAppointing Gilberto Gonzalez to the Citizen’s Police Oversight Commission.Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250252 0  ResolutionAppointing Michelle Enix-Kenney to the Citizen’s Police Oversight Commission.Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250253 0  ResolutionAppointing LaTanya Whitehead to the Citizen’s Police Oversight Commission.Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250254 0  ResolutionReappointing Haakim Peay to the Citizen’s Police Oversight Commission.Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250255 0  ResolutionCondemning President Donald J. Trump and his administration for their decision to suspend income-driven student loan repayment plans and for politicizing the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program to target advocates working to oppose his anti-immigrant, anti-trans, anti-free speech agenda.Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250256 0  ResolutionHonoring the life and legacy of the Honorable Phyllis W. Beck, retired judge of the Superior Court, who was a treasured member of the Philadelphia legal community, philanthropist, trailblazer, and mentor.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250257 0  ResolutionDeclaring March 17 - March 21, 2025 as National LGBTQ Health Awareness Week in the City of Philadelphia.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250258 0  ResolutionHonoring and recognizing women in the City of Philadelphia who are leading impactful initiatives in health, wellness, and fitness that empower, connect, and uplift women.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250259 0  ResolutionHonoring and expressing gratitude to Nicole Bartlett for her work helping grieving families cope with loss and mentoring young women in Philadelphia and across the country, on the occasion of Women’s History Month.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250260 0  ResolutionHonoring the Dedicated Employees of the Philadelphia Gas Works in Recognition of Natural Gas Utility Workers’ Day on March 18, 2025.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240333 0  BillAmending Section 14-533 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “/MIN, Mixed Income Neighborhoods Overlay District,” to update the illustrative maps to reflect recent redistricting changes, all under certain terms and conditions.SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL   Action details Not available
240333 0  BillAmending Section 14-533 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “/MIN, Mixed Income Neighborhoods Overlay District,” to update the illustrative maps to reflect recent redistricting changes, all under certain terms and conditions.ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR   Action details Not available
240333 0  BillAmending Section 14-533 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “/MIN, Mixed Income Neighborhoods Overlay District,” to update the illustrative maps to reflect recent redistricting changes, all under certain terms and conditions.ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR   Action details Not available
250221 0  ResolutionCondemning the Trump Administration for its reprehensible actions to drastically defund the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), which will have a devastating effect on the enforcement of fair housing laws, damage communities, and escalate the affordable housing crisis.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240427-AA 1  BillAmending Section 14-305 of the Philadelphia Code entitled “Nonconformities,” by providing further provisions on changes from non-conforming uses; all under certain terms and conditions.READ AND PASSEDPass15:2 Action details Not available
250066-A 1  BillAmending Chapter 11-200 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Openings and Excavations in the Streets,” to impose additional penalties on violators of underground permitting requirements, under certain terms and conditions.AMENDED   Action details Not available
250100 0  BillAuthorizing encroachments in the nature of a sidewalk café in the vicinity of 177 Markle Street, Philadelphia, PA 19127, under certain terms and conditions.READ AND PASSEDPass17:0 Action details Not available
250147 1  BillAuthorizing PHILIPPIAN BAPTIST CHURCH or a subsequent owner to install, own, and maintain an encroachment at 5801 N Broad St, Philadelphia, PA 19141, under certain terms and conditions.READ AND PASSEDPass17:0 Action details Not available
250246 0  ResolutionRecognizing March as National Nutrition Month in the City of Philadelphia to raise awareness of the importance of nutrition education and healthy eating habits, and to recognize the contributions of Vetri Community Partnership in promoting community health and wellness.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
250247 0  ResolutionRecognizing March 2025 as “Creative and Nighttime Economies and Arts in Education Month” in the City of Philadelphia.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
250248 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Committee on Legislative Oversight to hold hearings on the status, conditions, operations, and economic factors at the Philadelphia Museum of Art to ensure the future of this City cornerstone as we prepare to welcome the world in 2026.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
250249 0  ResolutionHonoring Victim/Witness Services of South Philadelphia for 35 years of dedicated service to those affected by violence in South Philadelphia and across the City.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
250256 0  ResolutionHonoring the life and legacy of the Honorable Phyllis W. Beck, retired judge of the Superior Court, who was a treasured member of the Philadelphia legal community, philanthropist, trailblazer, and mentor.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
250257 0  ResolutionDeclaring March 17 - March 21, 2025 as National LGBTQ Health Awareness Week in the City of Philadelphia.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
250258 0  ResolutionHonoring and recognizing women in the City of Philadelphia who are leading impactful initiatives in health, wellness, and fitness that empower, connect, and uplift women.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
250259 0  ResolutionHonoring and expressing gratitude to Nicole Bartlett for her work helping grieving families cope with loss and mentoring young women in Philadelphia and across the country, on the occasion of Women’s History Month.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
250260 0  ResolutionHonoring the Dedicated Employees of the Philadelphia Gas Works in Recognition of Natural Gas Utility Workers’ Day on March 18, 2025.ADOPTED   Action details Not available