Meeting Name: CITY COUNCIL Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/13/2025 10:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Room 400, City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
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250223 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting a message advising you that on March 7, 2025, I signed the following bills, which were passed by Council at its session on March 06, 2025: Bill No. 250071 Bill No. 250072 Bill No. 250073READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
250224 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting a Resolution Providing for the approval by the Council of the City of Philadelphia of a Revised Five Year Financial Plan for the City of Philadelphia covering Fiscal Years 2026 through 2030, and incorporating revisions with respect to Fiscal Year 2025, which is to be submitted by the Mayor to the Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Cooperation Authority pursuant to an Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement by and between the City and the Authority.READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
250225 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting an Ordinance to amend Chapter 19-4400 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Development Impact Tax,” to end imposition of the tax, under certain terms and conditions.READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
250226 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting an Ordinance amending Chapter 19-2600 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Business Income and Receipts Taxes,” to revise tax rates and end certain exclusions from the tax on receipts, all under certain terms and conditions.READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
250227 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting an Ordinance amending Chapter 19-1500 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Wage and Net Profits Tax,” by revising certain tax rates, under certain terms and conditions.READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
250228 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting an Ordinance amending Chapter 19-1800 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “School Tax Authorization,” to provide for an increase in the tax that the Board of Education of the School District of Philadelphia is authorized to impose on real estate; and amending Chapter 19-1300, entitled “Real Estate Taxes,” to establish an equivalent reduction in the tax rate for the City real estate tax; all under certain terms and conditions.READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
250229 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting an Ordinance amending Section 19-1806 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Authorization of Realty Use and Occupancy Tax,” to eliminate certain exemptions, all under certain terms and conditions.READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
250230 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting an Ordinance amending Chapter 19-1400 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Realty Transfer Tax,” by revising the rate of the tax, all under certain terms and conditions.READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
250231 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting an Ordinance amending Section 10-1001 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Fees of Commissioner of Records," to increase the portion of fees for the recording of deeds and mortgages and related documents to be used for Housing Trust Fund purposes, under certain terms and conditions.READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
250232 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting an Ordinance amending Chapter 12-1000 The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Traffic Code,” to revise the fee for the use of parking meters; all under certain terms and conditions.READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
250233 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting an Ordinance to amend Bill No. 240182 (approved June 14, 2024), entitled “An Ordinance to adopt a Capital Program for the six Fiscal Years 2025-2030 inclusive,” by revising various appropriation amounts and totals to conform to amendments to the FY2025 Capital Budget Ordinance, all under certain terms and conditions.READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
250234 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting an Ordinance to amend Bill No. 240181 (approved June 14, 2024), entitled “An Ordinance To adopt a Fiscal 2025 Capital Budget,” by revising various appropriation amounts and totals, all under certain terms and conditions.READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
250235 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting an Ordinance authorizing transfers in appropriations for Fiscal Year 2025 from the General Fund, certain or all City offices, departments, boards and commissions, the Water Fund, certain or all City offices, departments, boards and commissions, and the Grants Revenue Fund, certain or all City offices, departments, boards and commissions, to the General Fund, certain or all City offices, departments, boards and commissions, the Aviation Fund, certain or all City offices, departments, boards and commissions, and the Transportation Fund, certain or all City offices, departments, boards and commissions.READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
250236 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting an Ordinance to adopt a Fiscal 2026 Capital Budget.READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
250237 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting an Ordinance to adopt a Capital Program for the six Fiscal Years 2026-2031 inclusive.READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
250238 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting an Ordinance adopting the Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2026.READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
250239 0  COMMUNICATIONFY2026 Budget Speech The One Philly 2.0 Budget Good morning to my friend, Council President Kenyatta Johnson, to Council’s Leadership team, Majority Leader Katherine Gilmore Richardson, Majority Whip Isaiah Thomas, Deputy Majority Whip Cindy Bass, Minority Leader Kendra Brooks, Minority Whip Nicolas O’Rourke, and every Member of City Council,Members of the Philadelphia Delegation and all statewide leaders here with us today, Faith Leaders, Men and Women of Organized Labor, Community Leaders, the Business and Philanthropic community,Members of my Cabinet and our City Workers, Everyone watching online, listening to WURD, and tuning in on TV. Good morning and thank you for welcoming me back home into the Chambers of Philadelphia City Council today. Last year, I told a story about how my journey to public service began in this Chamber. I gave a Black History Month speech here, as a 17-year-old high school student. I later came to work here, and I learned from Giants - my mentors, Councilmember Marian Tasco and Augusta “Gussie” Clark. Role models like Anna Verna, Joan Krajewski, aREAD AND FILED   Action details Not available
250195 0  BillAmending Chapter 19-1500 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Wage and Net Profits Tax,” by revising certain tax rates, under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
250196 0  BillAdopting the Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2026.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
250197 0  BillTo adopt a Fiscal 2026 Capital Budget.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
250198 0  BillTo adopt a Capital Program for the six Fiscal Years 2026-2031 inclusive.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
250199 0  BillAmending Chapter 19-2600 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Business Income and Receipts Taxes,” to revise tax rates and end certain exclusions from the tax on receipts, all under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
250200 0  BillAmending Chapter 12-1000 The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Traffic Code,” to revise the fee for the use of parking meters; all under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
250201 0  BillAmending Chapter 19-1800 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “School Tax Authorization,” to provide for an increase in the tax that the Board of Education of the School District of Philadelphia is authorized to impose on real estate; and amending Chapter 19-1300, entitled “Real Estate Taxes,” to establish an equivalent reduction in the tax rate for the City real estate tax; all under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
250202 0  BillAmending Section 19-1806 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Authorization of Realty Use and Occupancy Tax,” to eliminate certain exemptions, all under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
250203 0  BillEstablishing parking regulations in the vicinity of: Ogden street between N. 13th street and Camac street; Wood street between N. 18th street and N. 19th street; N. 21st street between Hamilton street and Pennsylvania avenue; Franklin Town boulevard between Callowhill street and Wood street;Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
250204 0  BillTo amend Bill No. 240182 (approved June 14, 2024), entitled “An Ordinance to adopt a Capital Program for the six Fiscal Years 2025-2030 inclusive,” by revising various appropriation amounts and totals to conform to amendments to the FY2025 Capital Budget Ordinance, all under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
250205 0  BillTo amend Bill No. 240181 (approved June 14, 2024), entitled “An Ordinance To adopt a Fiscal 2025 Capital Budget,” by revising various appropriation amounts and totals, all under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
250206 0  BillAuthorizing transfers in appropriations for Fiscal Year 2025 from the General Fund, certain or all City offices, departments, boards and commissions, the Water Fund, certain or all City offices, departments, boards and commissions, and the Grants Revenue Fund, certain or all City offices, departments, boards and commissions, to the General Fund, certain or all City offices, departments, boards and commissions, the Aviation Fund, certain or all City offices, departments, boards and commissions, and the Transportation Fund, certain or all City offices, departments, boards and commissions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
250207 0  BillTo amend the Philadelphia Zoning Maps by changing the zoning designations of certain areas of land located within an area bounded by Federal Street, 13th Street, Wharton Street, and Broad Street.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
250208 0  BillAmending Section 12-1117 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Physically Handicapped and Disabled or Severely Disabled Veteran Parking,” as it will take effect pursuant to Bill No. 240613-AA (approved December 18, 2024), by revising the definition of disability parking space and further amending The Philadelphia Code by updating cross-references to Section 12-1117 that now appear in Title 9, entitled “Regulation of Businesses, Trades and Professions,” and Title 12, “Traffic Code,” all under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
250209 0  BillAmending Title 12 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Traffic Code,” to clarify penalties and procedures associated with smart loading zone parking enforcement, under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
250210 0  BillAmending Section 10-1001 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Fees of Commissioner of Records," to increase the portion of fees for the recording of deeds and mortgages and related documents to be used for Housing Trust Fund purposes, under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
250211 0  BillAmending Chapter 19-1400 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Realty Transfer Tax,” by revising the rate of the tax, all under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
250212 0  BillTo amend Chapter 19-4400 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Development Impact Tax,” to end imposition of the tax, under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
250213 0  BillAmending Section 9-633 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Sale of Electronic Smoking Devices and Unapproved Nicotine Delivery Products,” to update definitions and to provide for additional penalties, enforcement, and compliance options, all under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
250214 0  ResolutionProviding for the approval by the Council of the City of Philadelphia of a Revised Five Year Financial Plan for the City of Philadelphia covering Fiscal Years 2026 through 2030, and incorporating revisions with respect to Fiscal Year 2025, which is to be submitted by the Mayor to the Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Cooperation Authority pursuant to an Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement by and between the City and the Authority.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
250215 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Committee on Children and Youth to hold hearings on the implementation of Bill No. 220654-A and the success of Community Evening Resource Centers.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250216 0  ResolutionHonoring Officer Jesse Woodhouse for his outstanding service to the 16TH Police District in West Philadelphia on the occasion of his retirement.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250217 0  ResolutionHonoring the members of Commonwealth Association of School Administrators as they have made significant contributions to their community, advocating for the rights and interests of staff and students in the school district.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250218 0  ResolutionHonoring and recognizing the career of Tumar Alexander, a dedicated public servant, on the occasion of his retirement from Philadelphia City Government.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250219 0  ResolutionHonoring and recognizing Trey Howard for his heroic response to the plane crash in Northeast Philadelphia.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250220 0  ResolutionCommemorating the 60th Anniversary of the civil rights marches across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama to Montgomery on March 7, 1965, also known as “Bloody Sunday.”Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250221 0  ResolutionCondemning the Trump Administration for its reprehensible actions to drastically defund the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), which will have a devastating effect on the enforcement of fair housing laws, damage communities, and escalate the affordable housing crisis.Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250222 0  ResolutionRecognizing March 20, 2025, as Children First Day in the City of Philadelphia.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250066-A 0  BillAmending Chapter 11-200 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Openings and Excavations in the Streets,” to impose additional penalties on violators of underground permitting requirements, under certain terms and conditions.SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL   Action details Not available
250066-A 0  BillAmending Chapter 11-200 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Openings and Excavations in the Streets,” to impose additional penalties on violators of underground permitting requirements, under certain terms and conditions.ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR   Action details Not available
250100 0  BillAuthorizing encroachments in the nature of a sidewalk café in the vicinity of 177 Markle Street, Philadelphia, PA 19127, under certain terms and conditions.SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL   Action details Not available
250100 0  BillAuthorizing encroachments in the nature of a sidewalk café in the vicinity of 177 Markle Street, Philadelphia, PA 19127, under certain terms and conditions.ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR   Action details Not available
250147 0  BillAuthorizing PHILIPPIAN BAPTIST CHURCH or a subsequent owner to install, own, and maintain an encroachment at 5801 N Broad St, Philadelphia, PA 19141, under certain terms and conditions.SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL   Action details Not available
250147 0  BillAuthorizing PHILIPPIAN BAPTIST CHURCH or a subsequent owner to install, own, and maintain an encroachment at 5801 N Broad St, Philadelphia, PA 19141, under certain terms and conditions.ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR   Action details Not available
250066-A 0  BillAmending Chapter 11-200 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Openings and Excavations in the Streets,” to impose additional penalties on violators of underground permitting requirements, under certain terms and conditions.READ AND ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK'S SECOND READING CALENDAR   Action details Not available
250100 0  BillAuthorizing encroachments in the nature of a sidewalk café in the vicinity of 177 Markle Street, Philadelphia, PA 19127, under certain terms and conditions.READ AND ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK'S SECOND READING CALENDAR   Action details Not available
250147 0  BillAuthorizing PHILIPPIAN BAPTIST CHURCH or a subsequent owner to install, own, and maintain an encroachment at 5801 N Broad St, Philadelphia, PA 19141, under certain terms and conditions.READ AND ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK'S SECOND READING CALENDAR   Action details Not available
250183 0  ResolutionOpposing any attempts to dismantle the U.S. Department of Education or slash federal funding for public school programs that support low-income students and students with disabilities.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240304-A 2  BillAmending Subcode “A” (The Philadelphia Administrative Code) of Title 4 of The Philadelphia Code (The Building, Construction and Occupancy Code), to require proof of certain insurance certificates; all under certain terms and conditions.ORDER THE BILL PLACED ON NEXT WEEK'S SUSPENSION CALENDAR   Action details Not available
240427-AA 1  BillAmending Section 14-305 of the Philadelphia Code entitled “Nonconformities,” by providing further provisions on changes from non-conforming uses; all under certain terms and conditions.AMENDED   Action details Not available
250215 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Committee on Children and Youth to hold hearings on the implementation of Bill No. 220654-A and the success of Community Evening Resource Centers.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
250216 0  ResolutionHonoring Officer Jesse Woodhouse for his outstanding service to the 16TH Police District in West Philadelphia on the occasion of his retirement.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
250217 0  ResolutionHonoring the members of Commonwealth Association of School Administrators as they have made significant contributions to their community, advocating for the rights and interests of staff and students in the school district.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
250219 0  ResolutionHonoring and recognizing Trey Howard for his heroic response to the plane crash in Northeast Philadelphia.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
250218 0  ResolutionHonoring and recognizing the career of Tumar Alexander, a dedicated public servant, on the occasion of his retirement from Philadelphia City Government.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
250220 0  ResolutionCommemorating the 60th Anniversary of the civil rights marches across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama to Montgomery on March 7, 1965, also known as “Bloody Sunday.”ADOPTED   Action details Not available
250222 0  ResolutionRecognizing March 20, 2025, as Children First Day in the City of Philadelphia.ADOPTED   Action details Not available