| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Joint Committees on Public Health and Human Services and Legislative Oversight to hold public hearings on adoption and foster care policies and programs in the City of Philadelphia, and to explore ways to improve the process by decreasing wait times, implementing strategies to reduce the number of children that age out of the system, and address concerns that discourage people from considering adoption. | HEARING NOTICES SENT | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Joint Committees on Public Health and Human Services and Legislative Oversight to hold public hearings on adoption and foster care policies and programs in the City of Philadelphia, and to explore ways to improve the process by decreasing wait times, implementing strategies to reduce the number of children that age out of the system, and address concerns that discourage people from considering adoption. | HEARING HELD | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Joint Committees on Public Health and Human Services and Legislative Oversight to hold public hearings on adoption and foster care policies and programs in the City of Philadelphia, and to explore ways to improve the process by decreasing wait times, implementing strategies to reduce the number of children that age out of the system, and address concerns that discourage people from considering adoption. | RECESSED | | |
Roll call
Not available