| 0 | | | COMMUNICATION | Transitting a message advising Council that Bill No. 030015, which was passed by Council on April 3, 2003, was signed by the Mayor on April 24, 2003. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | COMMUNICATION | Transmitting a message advising Council that Bill No. 020813, which was passed by Council on April 3, 2003, was signed by the Mayor on April 25, 2003. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | COMMUNICATION | Transmitting a message advising Council that Bill Nos. 020827, 030018, 030019, 030020, 020021, 030022, 030080, 030102, 030125 and 030140, which were passed by Council on April 3, 2003, were signed by the Mayor on April 24, 2003. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | COMMUNICATION | Transmitting a message advising Council that Bill Nos. 020826, 030100 and 030075, which were passed by Council on April 10, 2003, were signed by the Mayor on April 24, 2003. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | COMMUNICATION | Transmitting a message advising Council that Bill Nos. 030123 and 030138, which was passed by Council on April 10, 2003, was signed by the Mayor on April 24, 2003. | READ | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | COMMUNICATION | April 24, 2003
I am returning herewith as disapproved Bill No. 030014, passed by the Council on April 3, 2002. I continue to support coordinated, equitable and cost-effective tax reform. This bill however, constitutes flawed attempts to achieve the imperative goals of tax reform and tax reduction. I cannot support this bill.
Bill No. 030014 is essentially a repeat of a bill I previously vetoed, Bill No. 020537-A, and I will not repeat here the reasoning I set forth in my veto letter of December 5, 2002. This bill would effectively impose a ten percent "cap" on real estate tax increases for fiscal year 2003. In addition to the issues raised above, I remind you the Solicitor has advised us that we are legally powerless to interfere with tax measures already enacted for the current fiscal year, once the fiscal year has already begun (indeed we are now nine months into the fiscal year). My administration estimates this bill would cost the City $7.98 million in the current fiscal year Given that an artific | READ | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | COMMUNICATION | April 24, 2003
I am returning herewith unsigned Bill No. 030073, passed by the Council on April 3, 2003. Bill No. 030073 would provide relief from overall property tax increases in the form of wage tax reductions. To the xtent City real estate tax revenues overall grow by more than two percent in a given year, the bill would require the City to reduce its wage tax rates in the folowing year by an amount sufficient to reduce wage tax revenues by such "excess" real estate tax revenue growth. The wage tax reductions any individual taxpayer would receive as a result of this bill are unrelated to any property tax increase a tax payer may or may not have experienced.
While this is an interesting approach, I belive it is an issue that should be considered by the Tax Reform Commission. I also believe the City may need to reevaluate its impact once sttewide tax reform and budget amendments now under considerati0on has been enacted. Only one year ago, I signed into law a five year, incremental wage tax reduction b | READ | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | COMMUNICATION | Transmitting a bill approving the Fiscal Year 2003 Capital Budget providing for expenditures for the capital purposes of the Philadelphia Gas Works, including the supplying of funds to be obtained in connection therewith, and acknowledging receipt of the Forecast of Capital Budgets for Fiscal Years 2004 through 2008. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | COMMUNICATION | Transmitting a bill authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, to enter into a Sublease Agreement to lease from the Philadelphia Municipal Authority portions of the building located at 1515 Market Street, also known as 2 Penn Center, for use by the City and affiliated agencies as office space, under certain terms and conditions. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | COMMUNICATION | Transmitting a bill amending Chapter 14-2 100 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Land Subdivision", by deleting certain provisions, by adding certain new provisions and by amending certain existing provisions, under certain terms and conditions. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | COMMUNICATION | Transmitting a bill providing for the contingent exemption, abatement or credit of certain taxes within specified geographic areas, including by amending Bill No. 970788-A (approved December 30, 1998), relating to the boundaries of the Keystone Opportunity Zone, and by amending Bill No. 010092 (approved February 28, 2001), relating to the boundaries of the Keystone Opportunity Expansion Zone, and by amending Chapter 19-3200 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Keystone Opportunity Zone," by providing for a Keystone Opportunity Improvement Zone, and by amending certain effective dates, all under certain terms and conditions. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | COMMUNICATION | Transmitting a bill removing the Properties known generally as the Brewerytown Development from the Philadelphia Keystone Opportunity Zone, subject to the request and consent of the owners of said Properties, under certain terms and conditions. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Chapter 14-2100 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Land Subdivision", by deleting certain provisions, by adding certain new provisions and by amending certain existing provisions, under certain terms and conditions. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Chapter 14-2100 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Land Subdivision", by deleting certain provisions, by adding certain new provisions and by amending certain existing provisions, under certain terms and conditions. | Referred | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Providing for the contingent exemption, abatement or credit of certain taxes within specified geographic areas, including by amending Bill No. 970788-A (approved December 30, 1998), relating to the boundaries of the Keystone Opportunity Zone, and by amending Bill No. 010092 (approved February 28, 2001), relating to the boundaries of the Keystone Opportunity Expansion Zone, and by amending Chapter 19-3200 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Keystone Opportunity Zone," by providing for a Keystone Opportunity Improvement Zone, and by amending certain effective dates, all under certain terms and conditions. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Providing for the contingent exemption, abatement or credit of certain taxes within specified geographic areas, including by amending Bill No. 970788-A (approved December 30, 1998), relating to the boundaries of the Keystone Opportunity Zone, and by amending Bill No. 010092 (approved February 28, 2001), relating to the boundaries of the Keystone Opportunity Expansion Zone, and by amending Chapter 19-3200 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Keystone Opportunity Zone," by providing for a Keystone Opportunity Improvement Zone, and by amending certain effective dates, all under certain terms and conditions. | Referred | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Enacting a new Section 10-1611 of Chapter 10-1600 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Discontinuance of Proceedings," to provide for the discontinuance of proceedings before the Bureau of Administrative Adjudication under certain terms and conditions. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Enacting a new Section 10-1611 of Chapter 10-1600 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Discontinuance of Proceedings," to provide for the discontinuance of proceedings before the Bureau of Administrative Adjudication under certain terms and conditions. | Referred | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Approving the Fiscal Year 2003 Capital Budget providing for expenditures for the capital purposes of the Philadelphia Gas Works, including the supplying of funds to be obtained in connection therewith, and acknowledging receipt of the Forecast of Capital Budgets for Fiscal Years 2004 through 2008. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Approving the Fiscal Year 2003 Capital Budget providing for expenditures for the capital purposes of the Philadelphia Gas Works, including the supplying of funds to be obtained in connection therewith, and acknowledging receipt of the Forecast of Capital Budgets for Fiscal Years 2004 through 2008. | Referred | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 10 of The Philadelphia Code relating to "Regulation of Individual Conduct and Activity," by amending Section 10-610 entitled "Skateboarding on Public Property" and Section 10-1608, entitled "Hearings," to prohibit additional conduct, revise enforcement procedures, and make certain technical amendments, all under certain terms and conditions. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 10 of The Philadelphia Code relating to "Regulation of Individual Conduct and Activity," by amending Section 10-610 entitled "Skateboarding on Public Property" and Section 10-1608, entitled "Hearings," to prohibit additional conduct, revise enforcement procedures, and make certain technical amendments, all under certain terms and conditions. | Referred | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Naming and designating the Southwark Branch of the Free Library of Philadelphia located at 932 South Seventh street as the "Charles Santore Branch of the Free Library of Philadelphia." | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Naming and designating the Southwark Branch of the Free Library of Philadelphia located at 932 South Seventh street as the "Charles Santore Branch of the Free Library of Philadelphia." | Referred | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing Gold Incorporated to construct, own, and maintain a one story building addition on the east footway of Twelfth street adjacent to the property 1648-1652 East Passyunk avenue, all under certain terms and conditions. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing Gold Incorporated to construct, own, and maintain a one story building addition on the east footway of Twelfth street adjacent to the property 1648-1652 East Passyunk avenue, all under certain terms and conditions. | Referred | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | To amend the Philadelphia Zoning Maps by changing the zoning designations of certain areas of land located within an area bounded by Sixth street, Randolph street, Fitzwater street and East Passyunk avenue. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | To amend the Philadelphia Zoning Maps by changing the zoning designations of certain areas of land located within an area bounded by Sixth street, Randolph street, Fitzwater street and East Passyunk avenue. | Referred | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing and directing the revision of lines and grades on a portion of City Plan No. 253 of the area lying generally northwardly from the intersection of Unruh avenue and Oakley street by striking from the City Plan a portion of Kerper street and Kerper place; by placing on the City Plan certain portions of rights-of-way for drainage purposes and water main purposes; by striking from the City Plan and abandoning a certain right-of-way for drainage purposes and water main purposes, under certain terms and conditions. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing and directing the revision of lines and grades on a portion of City Plan No. 253 of the area lying generally northwardly from the intersection of Unruh avenue and Oakley street by striking from the City Plan a portion of Kerper street and Kerper place; by placing on the City Plan certain portions of rights-of-way for drainage purposes and water main purposes; by striking from the City Plan and abandoning a certain right-of-way for drainage purposes and water main purposes, under certain terms and conditions. | Referred | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Section 9-205 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Sidewalk Sales," by revising and expanding an existing area in which sidewalk sales are prohibited so as to prohibit sidewalk sales on both sides of Comly road, as extended from Caroline road to Roosevelt boulevard, all under certain terms and conditions. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Section 9-205 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Sidewalk Sales," by revising and expanding an existing area in which sidewalk sales are prohibited so as to prohibit sidewalk sales on both sides of Comly road, as extended from Caroline road to Roosevelt boulevard, all under certain terms and conditions. | Referred | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Chapter 19-1800 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "School Tax Authorization," by adding a new Section 19-1801.1 providing for a cap on tax increases, under certain terms and conditions. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Chapter 19-1800 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "School Tax Authorization," by adding a new Section 19-1801.1 providing for a cap on tax increases, under certain terms and conditions. | Referred | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Agreeing to participate in the "Progress Plaza Tax Increment Financing District," if it should be created by the Council of the City of Philadelphia in accordance with the Tax Increment Financing Act of July 11, 1990, (P.L. 465, No. 113), as amended, in the North Philadelphia Redevelopment Area, in an area generally bounded by Broad Street on the west, Oxford Street on the north, Thirteenth Street on the east, and Jefferson Street on the south; and designating the Mayor or his designee as the City's representative for purposes of meeting with the Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development, pursuant to Section 5(a)(2) of the Tax Increment Financing Act. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S CALENDAR | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Removing the Properties known generally as the Brewerytown Development from the Philadelphia Keystone Opportunity Zone, subject to the request and consent of the owners of said Properties, under certain terms and conditions. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Removing the Properties known generally as the Brewerytown Development from the Philadelphia Keystone Opportunity Zone, subject to the request and consent of the owners of said Properties, under certain terms and conditions. | Referred | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, to enter into a Sublease Agreement to lease from the Philadelphia Municipal Authority portions of the building located at 1515 Market street, also known as 2 Penn Center, for use by the City and affiliated agencies as office space, under certain terms and conditions. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, to enter into a Sublease Agreement to lease from the Philadelphia Municipal Authority portions of the building located at 1515 Market street, also known as 2 Penn Center, for use by the City and affiliated agencies as office space, under certain terms and conditions. | Referred | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 9 of The Philadelphia Code ("Regulation of Businesses, Trades and Professions"), by amending Section 9-208 relating to sidewalk cafes by amending and adding certain provisions for regulating sidewalk cafes; all under certain terms and conditions. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 9 of The Philadelphia Code ("Regulation of Businesses, Trades and Professions"), by amending Section 9-208 relating to sidewalk cafes by amending and adding certain provisions for regulating sidewalk cafes; all under certain terms and conditions. | Re-Referred | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Thirty-sixth Ward of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvement in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Thirty-sixth Ward of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvement in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Thirty-sixth Ward of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvement in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Twenty-seventh Ward of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvement in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Twenty-seventh Ward of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvement in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Twenty-seventh Ward of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvement in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Sixth, Twenty-fourth & Fifty-first Wards of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvement in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Sixth, Twenty-fourth & Fifty-first Wards of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvement in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Sixth, Twenty-fourth & Fifty-first Wards of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvement in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Nineteenth Ward of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvement in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Nineteenth Ward of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvement in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Nineteenth Ward of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvement in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Eighteenth, Nineteenth, Thirty-seventh and Forty-third Wards of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvement in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Eighteenth, Nineteenth, Thirty-seventh and Forty-third Wards of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvement in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Eighteenth, Nineteenth, Thirty-seventh and Forty-third Wards of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvement in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Seventh and Nineteenth Wards of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvement in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Seventh and Nineteenth Wards of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvement in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Seventh and Nineteenth Wards of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvement in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | ADOPTED | | |
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Not available
| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Honoring Luisto Figueroa-Roig on representing Philadelphia in the Star Search finals. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Honoring Luisto Figueroa-Roig on representing Philadelphia in the Star Search finals. | READ | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Honoring Luisto Figueroa-Roig on representing Philadelphia in the Star Search finals. | ADOPTED | | |
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| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Honoring The Power Team | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Honoring The Power Team | READ | | |
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| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Honoring The Power Team | ADOPTED | | |
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Thirteenth, Seventeenth and Twenty-second Wards of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvement in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Thirteenth, Seventeenth and Twenty-second Wards of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvement in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Thirteenth, Seventeenth and Twenty-second Wards of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvement in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Also naming the 1400 Block of West McFerran Street as "T.R. Washington Way" in honor of Dr. T. R. Washington. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Also naming the 1400 Block of West McFerran Street as "T.R. Washington Way" in honor of Dr. T. R. Washington. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Also naming the 1400 Block of West McFerran Street as "T.R. Washington Way" in honor of Dr. T. R. Washington. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Proclaiming the "Bop" as the Official Dance of Philadelphia. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Proclaiming the "Bop" as the Official Dance of Philadelphia. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Proclaiming the "Bop" as the Official Dance of Philadelphia. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Finding that the nomination by Governor Edward Rendell on April 22, 2003 of a hold-over Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner who has not aggressively pursued the public interest and the failure to establish a new State Public Advocate for Insurance to advocate for insurance policyholders will continue the long-standing problems of excessively high insurance rates and anti-consumer practices of insurance companies, and urging Governor Rendell and the General Assembly not to re-appoint the current, hold-over Commissioner and to establish a new Public Advocate for Insurance. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Finding that the nomination by Governor Edward Rendell on April 22, 2003 of a hold-over Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner who has not aggressively pursued the public interest and the failure to establish a new State Public Advocate for Insurance to advocate for insurance policyholders will continue the long-standing problems of excessively high insurance rates and anti-consumer practices of insurance companies, and urging Governor Rendell and the General Assembly not to re-appoint the current, hold-over Commissioner and to establish a new Public Advocate for Insurance. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Finding that the nomination by Governor Edward Rendell on April 22, 2003 of a hold-over Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner who has not aggressively pursued the public interest and the failure to establish a new State Public Advocate for Insurance to advocate for insurance policyholders will continue the long-standing problems of excessively high insurance rates and anti-consumer practices of insurance companies, and urging Governor Rendell and the General Assembly not to re-appoint the current, hold-over Commissioner and to establish a new Public Advocate for Insurance. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Thirty-first and Thirty-ninth WArds of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvement in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Thirty-first and Thirty-ninth WArds of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvement in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Thirty-first and Thirty-ninth WArds of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvement in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Thirty-first Ward of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvement in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Thirty-first Ward of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvement in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Thirty-first Ward of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvement in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | ADOPTED | | |
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| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Mourning the death and honoring the memory of W. Thacher Longstreth. | Introduced | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Mourning the death and honoring the memory of W. Thacher Longstreth. | READ | | |
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| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Mourning the death and honoring the memory of W. Thacher Longstreth. | ADOPTED BY STANDING VOTE | | |
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| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Declaring May 17, 2003 as Philadelphia Housing Authority Community Partnership Health and Safety Day. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Declaring May 17, 2003 as Philadelphia Housing Authority Community Partnership Health and Safety Day. | READ | | |
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| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Declaring May 17, 2003 as Philadelphia Housing Authority Community Partnership Health and Safety Day. | ADOPTED | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Chapter 20-600 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Standards of Conduct and Ethics," by adding anti-nepotism provisions prohibiting City officers and employees from taking or recommending certain personnel actions affecting family members; all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PRINTED AND PLACED ON NEXT FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
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| 1 | | | Bill | Establishing a neighborhood improvement district in an area that generally includes both sides of Ridge Avenue from Main Street to 7220 Ridge Avenue and certain blocks of streets that intersect that portion of Ridge Avenue to be known as the Roxborough District ("District"); designating the Roxborough Development Corporation, a Pennsylvania nonprofit corporation, as the Neighborhood Improvement District Management Association for the District; approving a plan for the District, including a list of proposed improvements and their estimated cost, and providing for assessment fees to be levied on property owners within the District; authorizing the Director of Commerce, on behalf of the City, to execute an agreement with the Roxborough Development Corporation relating to the District; and authorizing the Roxborough Development Corporation to assess property owners within the District a special property assessment fee to be used in accordance with the approved plan; all in accordance with the provisions of the Community and Economic Improvement Act, and under certain terms and conditions | ORDERED PRINTED AND PLACED ON NEXT FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | To amend the Philadelphia Zoning Maps by changing the zoning designations of certain areas of land located within an area bounded by Bridge street, Tacony street, a line 245 feet north of Sanger street, the Delaware River and the Frankford Creek. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | To amend the Philadelphia Zoning Maps by changing the zoning designations of certain areas of land located within an area bounded by Bridge street, Tacony street, a line 245 feet north of Sanger street, the Delaware River and the Frankford Creek. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | | | Bill | Amending Chapter 19-200 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "City Funds - Deposits, Investments, Disbursements," by revising the list of City depositories because of non-compliance with certain provisions of that Chapter, under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PRINTED AND PLACED ON NEXT FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Amending Chapter 19-1500 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Wage and Net Profits Tax," by decreasing in stages the rates of the tax imposed upon certain low income persons, and providing for refunds of excess taxes paid, all under certain terms and conditions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Amending Chapter 19-1500 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Wage and Net Profits Tax," by decreasing in stages the rates of the tax imposed upon certain low income persons, and providing for refunds of excess taxes paid, all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia of an amendment to Section 2-102 of the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter, relating to the redistricting of the City to revise the boundaries of the councilmanic districts after each decennial census, as approved by Resolution of the City Council; fixing the date of a special election for such purpose; prescribing the form of ballot question to be voted on; and authorizing the appropriate officers to publish notice and to make arrangements for the special election. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia of an amendment to Section 2-102 of the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter, relating to the redistricting of the City to revise the boundaries of the councilmanic districts after each decennial census, as approved by Resolution of the City Council; fixing the date of a special election for such purpose; prescribing the form of ballot question to be voted on; and authorizing the appropriate officers to publish notice and to make arrangements for the special election. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 2 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "City-County Consolidation," by abolishing the Board of Revision of Taxes and reassigning its powers, functions and duties to three newly created City agencies to be known as the Board of Property Assessment Appeals and Review, the Property Assessment Oversight Board, and the Office of Property Assessment; providing for submission of such amendment for the approval or disapproval of the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia; fixing the date of a special election for such purpose; prescribing the form of ballot question to be voted on; and authorizing the appropriate officers to publish notice and to make arrangements for the special election; all under certain terms and conditions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | 14:2 |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 2 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "City-County Consolidation," by abolishing the Board of Revision of Taxes and reassigning its powers, functions and duties to three newly created City agencies to be known as the Board of Property Assessment Appeals and Review, the Property Assessment Oversight Board, and the Office of Property Assessment; providing for submission of such amendment for the approval or disapproval of the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia; fixing the date of a special election for such purpose; prescribing the form of ballot question to be voted on; and authorizing the appropriate officers to publish notice and to make arrangements for the special election; all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia of an amendment to Section 6-400(c) of the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter, relating to authorized audits by the Auditing Department of certain agencies performing services or receiving funding from the City, as approved by Resolution of the City Council; fixing the date of a special election for such purpose; prescribing the form of ballot question to be voted on; and authorizing the appropriate officers to publish notice and to make arrangements for the special election. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia of an amendment to Section 6-400(c) of the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter, relating to authorized audits by the Auditing Department of certain agencies performing services or receiving funding from the City, as approved by Resolution of the City Council; fixing the date of a special election for such purpose; prescribing the form of ballot question to be voted on; and authorizing the appropriate officers to publish notice and to make arrangements for the special election. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia of an amendment to the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter relating to the composition of the Board of Pensions and Retirement, as approved by Resolution of the City Council; fixing the date of a special election for such purpose; prescribing the form of ballot questions to be voted on; and authorizing the appropriate officers to publish notice and to make arrangements for the special election. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia of an amendment to the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter relating to the composition of the Board of Pensions and Retirement, as approved by Resolution of the City Council; fixing the date of a special election for such purpose; prescribing the form of ballot questions to be voted on; and authorizing the appropriate officers to publish notice and to make arrangements for the special election. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 17 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Contracts and Procurement," by adding a new Section 17-109, entitled "Local Bidding Preferences," providing for the establishment of a bidding preference on City contracts for Philadelphia businesses, under certain terms and conditions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 17 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Contracts and Procurement," by adding a new Section 17-109, entitled "Local Bidding Preferences," providing for the establishment of a bidding preference on City contracts for Philadelphia businesses, under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia of an amendment to the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter to establish that a bid preference can be allowed in the awarding of public contracts to Philadelphia firms, and that the extent and nature of the bid preference shall be provided by ordinance. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia of an amendment to the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter to establish that a bid preference can be allowed in the awarding of public contracts to Philadelphia firms, and that the extent and nature of the bid preference shall be provided by ordinance. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia of an amendment to Section 8-200(2) and 8-201 of the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter, relating to contracts and concessions for which competitive bidding is required, as approved by Resolution of the City Council; fixing the date of a special election for such purpose; prescribing the form of ballot question to be voted on; and authorizing the appropriate officers to publish notice and to make arrangements for the special election. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia of an amendment to Section 8-200(2) and 8-201 of the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter, relating to contracts and concessions for which competitive bidding is required, as approved by Resolution of the City Council; fixing the date of a special election for such purpose; prescribing the form of ballot question to be voted on; and authorizing the appropriate officers to publish notice and to make arrangements for the special election. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
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| 1 | | | Bill | Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia of an amendment to Section 5-300 of the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter, by adding a new subsection (f), as approved by Resolution of the City Council, requiring the Health Department to prepare a plan for universal health care coverage that permits everyone in the City of Philadelphia to obtain decent health care on a regular basis; fixing the date of a special election for such purpose; prescribing the form of ballot question to be voted on; and authorizing the appropriate officers to publish notice and to make arrangements for the special election. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
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| 1 | | | Bill | Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia of an amendment to Section 5-300 of the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter, by adding a new subsection (f), as approved by Resolution of the City Council, requiring the Health Department to prepare a plan for universal health care coverage that permits everyone in the City of Philadelphia to obtain decent health care on a regular basis; fixing the date of a special election for such purpose; prescribing the form of ballot question to be voted on; and authorizing the appropriate officers to publish notice and to make arrangements for the special election. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia of an amendment to the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter creating the Office of the Insurance Public Advocate, as approved by Resolution of the City Council; fixing the date of a special election for such purpose; prescribing the form of ballot questions to be voted on; and authorizing the appropriate officers to publish notice and to make arrangements for the special election. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia of an amendment to the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter creating the Office of the Insurance Public Advocate, as approved by Resolution of the City Council; fixing the date of a special election for such purpose; prescribing the form of ballot questions to be voted on; and authorizing the appropriate officers to publish notice and to make arrangements for the special election. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
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Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Proposing an amendment to Section 2-102 of the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter, relating to the redistricting of the City to revise the boundaries of the councilmanic districts after each decennial census, and providing for the submission of the amendment to the electors of Philadelphia. | FAVORABLY RECOMMENDED; CONSIDERATION AT NEXT STATED COUNCIL MEETING | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Proposing an amendment to Section 6-400 of the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter, relating to authorization for City Controller audits of agencies receiving appropriations from, or performing services for the City, and providing for the submission of the amendment to the electors of Philadelphia. | FAVORABLY RECOMMENDED; CONSIDERATION AT NEXT STATED COUNCIL MEETING | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Proposing an amendment to the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter relating to the composition of the Board of Pensions and Retirement, and providing for the submission of the amendment to the electors of Philadelphia. | FAVORABLY RECOMMENDED; CONSIDERATION AT NEXT STATED COUNCIL MEETING | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Proposing an amendment to the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter to establish that a bid preference can be allowed in the awarding of public contracts to Philadelphia firms, and that the extent and nature of the bid preference shall be provided by ordinance. | FAVORABLY RECOMMENDED; CONSIDERATION AT NEXT STATED COUNCIL MEETING | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Proposing an amendment to Section 8-200(2) and 8-201 of the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter, relating to contracts and concessions for which competitive bidding is required, and providing for the submission of the amendment to the electors of Philadelphia. | FAVORABLY RECOMMENDED; CONSIDERATION AT NEXT STATED COUNCIL MEETING | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Proposing an amendment to Section 5-300 of the City Charter, relating to the functions of the Department of Health, by adding a new subsection (f) declaring that health care is an essential safeguard of human life and dignity, and that there is an obligation for the City of Philadelphia to ensure that every resident is able to realize this fundamental right, and requiring the Department to prepare a plan for universal health care coverage that permits everyone in the City of Philadelphia to obtain decent health care on a regular basis. | FAVORABLY RECOMMENDED; CONSIDERATION AT NEXT STATED COUNCIL MEETING | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Proposing an amendment to the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter to create the Office of the Insurance Public Advocate, and providing for the submission of the amendment to the electors of Philadelphia. | FAVORABLY RECOMMENDED; CONSIDERATION AT NEXT STATED COUNCIL MEETING | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Amending Title 9 of The Philadelphia Code, relating to "Regulation of Businesses, Trades, and Professions," by amending Chapter 9-1300 entitled "Home Inspection Business," by making certain changes to the license requirements, the license fee, the required conduct, and other provisions, all under certain terms and conditions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Amending Title 9 of The Philadelphia Code, relating to "Regulation of Businesses, Trades, and Professions," by amending Chapter 9-1300 entitled "Home Inspection Business," by making certain changes to the license requirements, the license fee, the required conduct, and other provisions, all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
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Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Chapter 9-700 of The Philadelphia Code entitled "Amusement Businesses," by amending Section 9-703 to prohibit the use of pyrotechnic devices, fireworks, explosives or similar materials within dance halls; all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PRINTED AND PLACED ON NEXT FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Calling for hearings into microenterprise development and neighborhood self-employment as an economic development strategy in the City of Philadelphia. | FAVORABLY RECOMMENDED; CONSIDERATION AT END OF CALENDAR | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Committee on Commerce and Economic Development to hold hearings into the current state of community reinvestment by City depository banks within low-income and minority neighborhoods in the City of Philadelphia and authorizing the Committee to issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents and other evidence. | FAVORABLY RECOMMENDED; CONSIDERATION AT END OF CALENDAR | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Calling on the Philadelphia Workforce Development Corporation to conduct a needs assessment of training opportunities within the Building and Construction Trades, particularly to improve minority and female employment participation through PWDC financial support of initiatives such as the Diversity Apprenticeship Program, and authorizing City Council's Committee on Commerce and Economic Development to hold hearings into the state of training opportunities for minorities and women in Philadelphia's Building and Construction Trades. | FAVORABLY RECOMMENDED; CONSIDERATION AT END OF CALENDAR | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | To amend the Philadelphia Zoning Maps by changing the zoning designations of certain areas of land located within an area bounded by Bridge street, Tacony street, a line 245 feet north of Sanger street, the Delaware River and the Frankford Creek. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Amending Chapter 19-1500 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Wage and Net Profits Tax," by decreasing in stages the rates of the tax imposed upon certain low income persons, and providing for refunds of excess taxes paid, all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia of an amendment to Section 2-102 of the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter, relating to the redistricting of the City to revise the boundaries of the councilmanic districts after each decennial census, as approved by Resolution of the City Council; fixing the date of a special election for such purpose; prescribing the form of ballot question to be voted on; and authorizing the appropriate officers to publish notice and to make arrangements for the special election. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 2 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "City-County Consolidation," by abolishing the Board of Revision of Taxes and reassigning its powers, functions and duties to three newly created City agencies to be known as the Board of Property Assessment Appeals and Review, the Property Assessment Oversight Board, and the Office of Property Assessment; providing for submission of such amendment for the approval or disapproval of the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia; fixing the date of a special election for such purpose; prescribing the form of ballot question to be voted on; and authorizing the appropriate officers to publish notice and to make arrangements for the special election; all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia of an amendment to Section 6-400(c) of the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter, relating to authorized audits by the Auditing Department of certain agencies performing services or receiving funding from the City, as approved by Resolution of the City Council; fixing the date of a special election for such purpose; prescribing the form of ballot question to be voted on; and authorizing the appropriate officers to publish notice and to make arrangements for the special election. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia of an amendment to the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter relating to the composition of the Board of Pensions and Retirement, as approved by Resolution of the City Council; fixing the date of a special election for such purpose; prescribing the form of ballot questions to be voted on; and authorizing the appropriate officers to publish notice and to make arrangements for the special election. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 17 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Contracts and Procurement," by adding a new Section 17-109, entitled "Local Bidding Preferences," providing for the establishment of a bidding preference on City contracts for Philadelphia businesses, under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia of an amendment to the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter to establish that a bid preference can be allowed in the awarding of public contracts to Philadelphia firms, and that the extent and nature of the bid preference shall be provided by ordinance. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia of an amendment to Section 8-200(2) and 8-201 of the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter, relating to contracts and concessions for which competitive bidding is required, as approved by Resolution of the City Council; fixing the date of a special election for such purpose; prescribing the form of ballot question to be voted on; and authorizing the appropriate officers to publish notice and to make arrangements for the special election. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia of an amendment to Section 5-300 of the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter, by adding a new subsection (f), as approved by Resolution of the City Council, requiring the Health Department to prepare a plan for universal health care coverage that permits everyone in the City of Philadelphia to obtain decent health care on a regular basis; fixing the date of a special election for such purpose; prescribing the form of ballot question to be voted on; and authorizing the appropriate officers to publish notice and to make arrangements for the special election. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia of an amendment to the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter creating the Office of the Insurance Public Advocate, as approved by Resolution of the City Council; fixing the date of a special election for such purpose; prescribing the form of ballot questions to be voted on; and authorizing the appropriate officers to publish notice and to make arrangements for the special election. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Amending Title 9 of The Philadelphia Code, relating to "Regulation of Businesses, Trades, and Professions," by amending Chapter 9-1300 entitled "Home Inspection Business," by making certain changes to the license requirements, the license fee, the required conduct, and other provisions, all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Agreeing to participate in the "Progress Plaza Tax Increment Financing District," if it should be created by the Council of the City of Philadelphia in accordance with the Tax Increment Financing Act of July 11, 1990, (P.L. 465, No. 113), as amended, in the North Philadelphia Redevelopment Area, in an area generally bounded by Broad Street on the west, Oxford Street on the north, Thirteenth Street on the east, and Jefferson Street on the south; and designating the Mayor or his designee as the City's representative for purposes of meeting with the Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development, pursuant to Section 5(a)(2) of the Tax Increment Financing Act. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Calling for hearings into microenterprise development and neighborhood self-employment as an economic development strategy in the City of Philadelphia. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Committee on Commerce and Economic Development to hold hearings into the current state of community reinvestment by City depository banks within low-income and minority neighborhoods in the City of Philadelphia and authorizing the Committee to issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents and other evidence. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Calling on the Philadelphia Workforce Development Corporation to conduct a needs assessment of training opportunities within the Building and Construction Trades, particularly to improve minority and female employment participation through PWDC financial support of initiatives such as the Diversity Apprenticeship Program, and authorizing City Council's Committee on Commerce and Economic Development to hold hearings into the state of training opportunities for minorities and women in Philadelphia's Building and Construction Trades. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available