Meeting Name: CITY COUNCIL Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/6/2025 10:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Room 400, City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultTallyAction DetailsVideo
250091 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting a Resolution Authorizing the Philadelphia Land Bank to dispose of 719 S. 51st Street located in the 3rd Councilmanic District in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-700 of The Philadelphia Code.READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
250092 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting a Resolution authorizing the Philadelphia Land Bank to dispose of 1911 Mountain Street located in the 2nd Councilmanic District in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-700 of The Philadelphia Code.READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
250093 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting a Resolution authorizing the Philadelphia Land Bank to dispose of 2248 Ruffner Street located in the 8th Councilmanic District in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-700 of The Philadelphia Code.READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
250094 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting a Resolution authorizing the Philadelphia Land Bank to dispose of 2271 N. Philip Street located in the 7th Councilmanic District in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-700 of The Philadelphia Code.READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
250095 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting a Resolution authorizing the Philadelphia Land Bank to dispose of 4701 Sansom Street located in the 3rd Councilmanic District in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-700 of The Philadelphia Code.READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
250096 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting an Ordinance to amend Bill No. 240181 (approved June 14, 2024), entitled "An Ordinance To adopt a Fiscal 2025 Capital Budget," by revising various appropriation amounts and totals, all under certain terms and conditions.READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
250097 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting an Ordinance to amend Bill No. 240182 (approved June 14, 2024), entitled "An Ordinance to adopt a Capital Program for the six Fiscal Years 2025-2030 inclusive," by revising various appropriation amounts and totals to conform to amendments to the FY2025 Capital Budget Ordinance, all under certain terms and conditions.READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
250098 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting an Ordinance authorizing transfers in appropriations for Fiscal Year 2025 from the Grants Revenue Fund, certain or all City offices, departments, boards and commissions, to the General Fund, certain or all City offices, departments, boards and commissions, and the Transportation Fund, certain or all City offices, departments, boards and commissions.READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
250064 0  BillAmending Chapter 6-800 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Lead Paint Disclosure and Certification,” to clarify the deadline for filing certain actions, all under certain terms and conditionsIntroduced and Referred   Action details Not available
250065 0  BillAmending Title 9 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Regulation of Businesses, Trades and Professions,” by revising Chapter 9-4100, entitled “Promoting Healthy Families and Workplaces,” Chapter 9-4300, entitled “Wage Theft Complaints,” and Chapter 9-4500 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Protections for Domestic Workers,” and by adding new chapters, entitled “Protecting Victims of Retaliation” and “Enforcement of Worker Protection Ordinances,” to add and revise definitions; remove provisions related to the wage theft coordinator; add requirements and remedies related to written contracts, meal times and breaks, leave time, contract termination, and other protections for domestic workers; establish for claims of retaliation under above-referenced chapters and Chapter 9-4700 of The Philadelphia Code (“Wrongful Discharge from Parking Employment”) the elements of proof and procedures, remedies and penalties for enforcement; authorize creation of a worker justice fund for victims of retaliation; add requirements for employer record keeping and provision of notice of employee rights undeIntroduced and Referred   Action details Not available
250066 0  BillAmending Chapter 11-200 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Openings and Excavations in the Streets,” to impose additional penalties on violators of underground permitting requirements, under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
250067 0  BillAuthorizing the Commissioner of Public Property, on behalf of the City, to acquire from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania a perpetual right and easement on, over and across a certain tract of land at the intersection of Southampton Road and Roosevelt Boulevard for roadway and related improvements, under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
250068 0  BillAuthorizing the Commissioner of Public Property and the Streets Commissioner, on behalf of the City, to own and maintain a bridge to be constructed by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (“PennDOT”) to carry Byberry Road over certain railroad tracks between Evans Street and Worthington Road, and placing said bridge carrying Byberry Road on the City Plan pursuant to the terms of an agreement between the City and PennDOT, all under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
250069 0  BillEstablishing parking regulations in the vicinity of Wildey Street between Columbia Avenue and Earl Street; Dunton Street between Wildey Street and Girard Avenue; Earl Street between Girard Avenue and Wildey Street; S. 7th Street between Johnston Street and Bigler Street.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
250070 0  BillEstablishing parking regulations in the vicinity of York street between Almond street and Mercer street; Clarion street between Dickinson street and Tasker Street; Ellsworth street between S. 7th street and S. 8th street; Annin street between Marshall street and S. 7th street; Ellsworth street between Passyunk avenue and S. 9th street; Pierce street between S. 12th street and S. 11th street; McClellan street between S. 9th street and S. 10th street; Jackson street between S. 5th street and S. 6th street; Cross street between S. 5th street and S. 4th street; S. 5th street between Morris street and Tasker street.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
250071 0  BillTo amend Bill No. 240182 (approved June 14, 2024), entitled “An Ordinance to adopt a Capital Program for the six Fiscal Years 2025-2030 inclusive,” by revising various appropriation amounts and totals to conform to amendments to the FY2025 Capital Budget Ordinance, all under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
250072 0  BillAuthorizing transfers in appropriations for Fiscal Year 2025 from the Grants Revenue Fund, certain or all City offices, departments, boards and commissions, to the General Fund, certain or all City offices, departments, boards and commissions, and the Transportation Fund, certain or all City offices, departments, boards and commissions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
250073 0  BillTo amend Bill No. 240181 (approved June 14, 2024), entitled “An Ordinance To adopt a Fiscal 2025 Capital Budget,” by revising various appropriation amounts and totals, all under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
250074 0  ResolutionRecognizing February 2025 as Career and Technical Education Month® in the City of PhiladelphiaIntroduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250075 0  ResolutionCommending the collaborative efforts of Students Against Period Poverty and the Philadelphia Youth Commission to expand awareness and access to menstrual health products, and affirming that Council will work to ensure equitable and easy access to menstrual health products within the city’s public schools.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250076 0  ResolutionHonoring the life and legacy of Tyler Sabapathy, a beloved Temple University student.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250077 0  ResolutionHonoring and recognizing places of importance in Philadelphia’s Black history during Black History Month for their contributions to the community and efforts in preserving history.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250078 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Joint Committees on Children and Youth and Education to review the Parent University 2.0 website.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar - Rules Suspended   Action details Not available
250079 0  ResolutionA resolution thanking the Philadelphia Museum of Art for presenting The Time is Always Now: Artists Reframe the Black Figure, an impactful exhibit that honors and celebrates the rich contributions of the Black and African diasporic experience.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250080 0  ResolutionUrging Congress to expand the Child Tax Credit, an essential anti-poverty initiative that has drastically cut child poverty and benefitted millions of families.Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250081 0  ResolutionRecognizing and Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of Philadelphia Fashion Week for its significant contribution to the enrichment of the City’s fashion community and the advancement of the creative economy.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250082 0  ResolutionRecognizing and Honoring Robert Faulds for His Exceptional Service to the United States Navy and to the City of PhiladelphiaIntroduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250083 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority deeds conveying fee simple title to 2406, 2434, 2440, 2444 N. 6th Street, 2425, 2427 N. 7th Street 2400, 2403, 2455 N. 15th Street, 2424, 2460 N. 16th Street, 2415 N. Bancroft Street, 1509 W. Boston Street, 1500, 1507 W. Cumberland Street, 1501-03, 1510 W. Firth Street, 1422, 1437 W. Hagert Street, 1422, 1430 Letterly Street, 2434, 2438, 2440, 2445 N. Marshall Street, 2452 N. Mole Street, 2418, 2419, 2421, 2428, 2433 N. Sydenham Street in the 5th Councilmanic District of the City of Philadelphia and further authorizing the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority to transfer to the Philadelphia Land Bank fee simple title to such properties pursuant to Section 16-405 of The Philadelphia Code.Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250084 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Philadelphia Land Bank to dispose of 2271 N. Philip Street located in the 7th Councilmanic District in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-700 of The Philadelphia Code.Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250085 0  ResolutionRecognizing and celebrating the Washerwoman Strike of 1881, a Black women-led worker movement fighting for better wages, dignity, and labor protections, on the occasion of Black History Month.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250086 0  ResolutionRecognizing And Honoring the Philadelphia Community Outreach Committee (PCOC) For Their Dedication to Public Safety and Community RevitalizationIntroduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250087 0  ResolutionHonoring and congratulating the St. Joseph’s Preparatory High School football team for their success in winning a PIAA 6A state championship.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250088 0  ResolutionRecognizing the month of February 2025 as Teen Dating Violence Awareness & Prevention Month.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250089 0  ResolutionHonoring the Work of the Pan-African Sisterhood Health Initiative (P.A.S.H.I.) artisans, volunteers, students, and supporters of P.A.S.H.I. for their selfless contributions and commitment to both local and international communities.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
250090 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Philadelphia Land Bank to dispose of 2248 Ruffner Street located in the 8th Councilmanic District in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-700 of The Philadelphia Code.Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
241144 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Philadelphia Land Bank to dispose of 1212 S 17th St; 1317 and 1511 S 20th St; 1904 S 23rd St; 1216 S 31st St; 1911 Gerritt St; 1932 and 2044 Titan St located in the 2nd Councilmanic District in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-700 of The Philadelphia Code.ADOPTEDPass  Action details Not available
250022 0  ResolutionAlso naming N. 10th Street between Oxford Street and Master Street as “Paula Peebles Way.”ADOPTEDPass  Action details Not available
250054 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority deeds conveying fee simple title to 719 S. 51st Street, 1124 S. 56th Street, and 1218 N. 41st Street in the Third Councilmanic District of the City of Philadelphia and further authorizing the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority to transfer to the Philadelphia Land Bank fee simple title to such properties pursuant to Section 16-405 of The Philadelphia Code.ADOPTEDPass  Action details Not available
250058 0  ResolutionDeclaring 2025 as the Year of Cooperatives in Philadelphia and calling on the City of Philadelphia to explore all options to support the development and resilience of local cooperative businesses.ADOPTEDPass  Action details Not available
250074 0  ResolutionRecognizing February 2025 as Career and Technical Education Month® in the City of PhiladelphiaADOPTEDPass  Action details Not available
250075 0  ResolutionCommending the collaborative efforts of Students Against Period Poverty and the Philadelphia Youth Commission to expand awareness and access to menstrual health products, and affirming that Council will work to ensure equitable and easy access to menstrual health products within the city’s public schools.ADOPTEDPass  Action details Not available
250076 0  ResolutionHonoring the life and legacy of Tyler Sabapathy, a beloved Temple University student.ADOPTEDPass  Action details Not available
250077 0  ResolutionHonoring and recognizing places of importance in Philadelphia’s Black history during Black History Month for their contributions to the community and efforts in preserving history.ADOPTEDPass  Action details Not available
250078 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Joint Committees on Children and Youth and Education to review the Parent University 2.0 website.ADOPTEDPass  Action details Not available
250079 0  ResolutionA resolution thanking the Philadelphia Museum of Art for presenting The Time is Always Now: Artists Reframe the Black Figure, an impactful exhibit that honors and celebrates the rich contributions of the Black and African diasporic experience.ADOPTEDPass  Action details Not available
250081 0  ResolutionRecognizing and Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of Philadelphia Fashion Week for its significant contribution to the enrichment of the City’s fashion community and the advancement of the creative economy.ADOPTEDPass  Action details Not available
250082 0  ResolutionRecognizing and Honoring Robert Faulds for His Exceptional Service to the United States Navy and to the City of PhiladelphiaADOPTEDPass  Action details Not available
250085 0  ResolutionRecognizing and celebrating the Washerwoman Strike of 1881, a Black women-led worker movement fighting for better wages, dignity, and labor protections, on the occasion of Black History Month.ADOPTEDPass  Action details Not available
250086 0  ResolutionRecognizing And Honoring the Philadelphia Community Outreach Committee (PCOC) For Their Dedication to Public Safety and Community RevitalizationADOPTEDPass  Action details Not available
250087 0  ResolutionHonoring and congratulating the St. Joseph’s Preparatory High School football team for their success in winning a PIAA 6A state championship.ADOPTEDPass  Action details Not available
250088 0  ResolutionRecognizing the month of February 2025 as Teen Dating Violence Awareness & Prevention Month.ADOPTEDPass  Action details Not available
250089 0  ResolutionHonoring the Work of the Pan-African Sisterhood Health Initiative (P.A.S.H.I.) artisans, volunteers, students, and supporters of P.A.S.H.I. for their selfless contributions and commitment to both local and international communities.ADOPTEDPass  Action details Not available