| 0 | | | COMMUNICATION | Transmitting a message advising Council that Bill No. 020253, which was passed by Council on June 13, 2002, was signed by the Mayor on June 25, 2002. | READ | | |
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| 0 | | | COMMUNICATION | Transmitting a message advising Council that Bill Nos. 020227, 020231, 020276, 020343 and 020344, which were passed on June 6, 2002, were signed by the Mayor on June 26, 2002. | READ | | |
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| 0 | | | COMMUNICATION | Transmitting a message advising Council that Bill Nos. 020075, 020275, 020279, 020282, 020284, 020310, 020315, 020317, 020338, 020339, 020340, 020342, 020348, 020348, 020361 and 020381, which were passed by Council on June 13, 2002, were signed by the Mayor on June 26, 2002. | READ | | |
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| 0 | | | COMMUNICATION | Transmitting a message advising Council that Bill Nos. 020259 and 020384, which were passed on June 13, 2002, were signed by the Mayor on June 28, 2002. | READ | | |
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| 0 | | | COMMUNICATION | Transmitting a message advising Council that Bill Nos. 020167, 020168, 020254, 020257, 020274, 020277, 020312, 020316, 020341, 020345, 020346, 020347, 020349, 020350, 020351, 020352, 020354, 020355, 020356, 020357, 020358, 020359, 020360, 020362 and 020383, which were passed by Council on June 13, 2002, were signed by the Mayor on September 6, 2002. | READ | | |
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| 0 | | | COMMUNICATION | Transmitting a message advising Council that Bill No. 020226, which was passed by Council on June 6, 2002, was signed by the Mayor on September 6, 2002. | READ | | |
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| 0 | | | COMMUNICATION | Transmitting a resolution approving the redevelopment contract and disposition supplement of the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia for the redevelopment and urban renewal of a portion of the Haddington Urban Renewal Area, Unit No. 1 designated as Parcel No. 33C also sometimes identified by house number and street address as 138-146 North Frazier street and a portion of the Mantua Urban Renewal Area designated as Parcel Nos. 15, 18, 37, 39 & 44 also sometimes identified by respective house numbers and street addresses for Parcel No. 15 as 3328-3330 Wallace street, for Parcel No. 18 as 521-523 North Thirty-third street, for Parcel No. 37 as 3333-3335 Mount Vernon street, for Parcel No. 39 as 3231 Haverford avenue and for Parcel No. 44 as 3202 Brandwine street; authorizing the Redevelopment Authority to execute the redevelopment contract with Neighborhood Restorations Limited Partnership XII and to take such action as may be necessary to effectuate the redevelopment contract and disposition supplement, accompanied by an explanatory letter from the Executive Director of | READ | | |
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| 0 | | | COMMUNICATION | September 12, 2002
I am returning herewith Bill Number 010659, without my signature. Council passed this bill at its meeting on June 6, 2002. I cannot sign this bill at this time, in light of the many competing spending priorities of the City and the limited resources we have to meet those priorities. Although I am allowing this bill to become law without my signature, I have been advised by the City Solicitor that the provisions of this bill go beyond Council's power of legislation and are unenforceable, and, therefore, the City will not be providing the services called for in this bill, as we can ill afford them in our current financial situation.
Bill 010659 would amend The Philadelphia Code to make condominiums, cooperatives and buildings with six or fewer occupied units "eligible" for municipal trash collection. As you know, the City has a long-standing policy, long predating my Administration, of picking up trash only from residential properties with six or fewer units. Contrary to the suggesti | READ | | |
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Requesting the Mayor to return to Council Bill No. 020225, entitled "An Ordinance amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled 'Zoning and Planning,' by amending Chapter 14-200 entitled 'Residential Districts' by amending Section 14-223 entitled 'RC-3' Residential District, by making certain technical amendments, under certain terms and conditions," for the purpose of reconsideration by the Council of the vote by which said bill passed Council. | Introduced | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Requesting the Mayor to return to Council Bill No. 020225, entitled "An Ordinance amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled 'Zoning and Planning,' by amending Chapter 14-200 entitled 'Residential Districts' by amending Section 14-223 entitled 'RC-3' Residential District, by making certain technical amendments, under certain terms and conditions," for the purpose of reconsideration by the Council of the vote by which said bill passed Council. | READ | | |
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Requesting the Mayor to return to Council Bill No. 020225, entitled "An Ordinance amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled 'Zoning and Planning,' by amending Chapter 14-200 entitled 'Residential Districts' by amending Section 14-223 entitled 'RC-3' Residential District, by making certain technical amendments, under certain terms and conditions," for the purpose of reconsideration by the Council of the vote by which said bill passed Council. | ADOPTED | | |
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| 0 | | | COMMUNICATION | September 12, 2002
To the President and the Member of
the Council of the City of Philadelphia
I am returning herewith as requested by your Resolution adopted September 12, 2002, Bill No. 020225, entitled "An Ordinance amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled 'Zoning and Planning,' by amending Chapter 14-200 entitled 'Residential Districts' by amending Section 14-223 entitled 'RC-3' Residential District, by making certain technical amendments, under certain terms and conditions," for the purpose of reconsideration by the Council of the vote by which said bill passed Council.
Respectfully submitted,
John F. Street | READ | | |
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| 0 | 3 | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by amending Chapter 14-200 entitled "Residential Districts" by amending Section 14-223 entitled "RC-3" Residential District, by making certain technical amendments, under certain terms and conditions. | RECONSIDERED | Pass | 16:0 |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by amending Chapter 14-200 entitled "Residential Districts" by amending Section 14-223 entitled "RC-3" Residential District, by making certain technical amendments, under certain terms and conditions. | READ | | |
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| 1 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by amending Chapter 14-200 entitled "Residential Districts" by amending Section 14-223 entitled "RC-3" Residential District, by making certain technical amendments, under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON FINAL PASSAGE CALENDAR FOR NEXT MEETING. | | |
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| 1 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by amending Chapter 14-200 entitled "Residential Districts" by amending Section 14-223 entitled "RC-3" Residential District, by making certain technical amendments, under certain terms and conditions. | AMENDED | | |
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| 0 | | | COMMUNICATION | September 12, 2002
To the President and the Member of
The Council of the City of Philadelphia:
I am returning herewith as requested by your [Resolution] Motion adopted September 12, 2002, Bill Number 020283, entitled "An Ordinance amending title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled 'Zoning and Planning,' by amending Chapter 14-200 entitled 'Residential Districts' by amending Section 14-206 entitled 'R-5' Residential District, by making certain technical amendments, under certain terms and conditions," for the purpose of reconsideration by the Council of the vote by which said bill passed Council
Respectfully submitted,
John F. Street
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| 1 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by amending Chapter 14-200 entitled "Residential Districts" by amending Section 14-206 entitled "R-5" Residential District, by making certain technical amendments, under certain terms and conditions. | RECONSIDERED | | |
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| 1 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by amending Chapter 14-200 entitled "Residential Districts" by amending Section 14-206 entitled "R-5" Residential District, by making certain technical amendments, under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code (Zoning and Planning) by amending Chapter 14-2007 (Historic Buildings, Structures, Sites, Objects and Districts) to require that the Historical Commission make recommendations to City Council and the Mayor regarding the designation of districts of the City as historic; providing for designation of historic districts by ordinance; and amending the procedures for such designations; all under certain terms and conditions. | Introduced | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code (Zoning and Planning) by amending Chapter 14-2007 (Historic Buildings, Structures, Sites, Objects and Districts) to require that the Historical Commission make recommendations to City Council and the Mayor regarding the designation of districts of the City as historic; providing for designation of historic districts by ordinance; and amending the procedures for such designations; all under certain terms and conditions. | Referred | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Chapter 10-600 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Public Places - Prohibited Conduct," by amending Section 10-611, entitled "Sidewalk Behavior," by amending the enforcement and penalties provisions; all under certain terms and conditions. | Introduced | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Chapter 10-600 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Public Places - Prohibited Conduct," by amending Section 10-611, entitled "Sidewalk Behavior," by amending the enforcement and penalties provisions; all under certain terms and conditions. | Referred | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Nineteenth street, both sides, Fitzwater street to Catharine street. | Introduced | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Nineteenth street, both sides, Fitzwater street to Catharine street. | Referred | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Rosewood street, east side, Snyder avenue to Jackson street. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Rosewood street, east side, Snyder avenue to Jackson street. | Referred | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Rosewood street, east side, Porter street to Shunk street. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Rosewood street, east side, Porter street to Shunk street. | Referred | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Sixteenth street, east side, Porter street to Shunk street. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Sixteenth street, east side, Porter street to Shunk street. | Referred | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Broad street, west side, Bigler street to Pollock street. | Introduced | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Broad street, west side, Bigler street to Pollock street. | Referred | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Carlisle street, west side, Ritner street to Porter street. | Introduced | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Carlisle street, west side, Ritner street to Porter street. | Referred | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Colorado street, both sides, Bainbridge street to Fitzwater street. | Introduced | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Colorado street, both sides, Bainbridge street to Fitzwater street. | Referred | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Catharine street, both sides, Nineteenth street to Twentieth street. | Introduced | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Catharine street, both sides, Nineteenth street to Twentieth street. | Referred | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Fitzwater street, both sides, Twenty-first street to Twenty-second street. | Introduced | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Fitzwater street, both sides, Twenty-first street to Twenty-second street. | Referred | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Carlisle street, west side, Porter street to Shunk street. | Introduced | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Carlisle street, west side, Porter street to Shunk street. | Referred | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Carlisle street, west side, Shunk street to Oregon avenue. | Introduced | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Carlisle street, west side, Shunk street to Oregon avenue. | Referred | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Porter street, both sides, Broad street to Fifteenth street. | Introduced | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Porter street, both sides, Broad street to Fifteenth street. | Referred | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a "No Truck Parking" regulation on Orthodox street between Trenton street and James street. | Introduced | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a "No Truck Parking" regulation on Orthodox street between Trenton street and James street. | Referred | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a "No Truck Parking" regulation on Summerdale avenue from Kendrick street to Hoffnagle street. | Introduced | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a "No Truck Parking" regulation on Summerdale avenue from Kendrick street to Hoffnagle street. | Referred | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a "No Truck Parking" regulation on Friendship street between Loretto avenue and Summerdale avenue. | Introduced | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a "No Truck Parking" regulation on Friendship street between Loretto avenue and Summerdale avenue. | Referred | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Wyoming avenue, both sides, "C" street to "D" street. | Introduced | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Wyoming avenue, both sides, "C" street to "D" street. | Referred | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development ("PAID"), without consideration, a deed conveying fee simple title to a certain tract of City-owned land with the buildings and improvements thereon situated at the northwest corner of Fifth and Huntingdon streets, subject generally to the terms and conditions of the Philadelphia Industrial and Commercial Development Agreement among the City, PAID, and the Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation; and further authorizing PAID, notwithstanding any contrary requirements of the Philadelphia Industrial and Commercial Development Agreement, to convey such land and property to the Associacion de Musicos Latinos Americanos for a nominal consideration; all under certain terms and conditions. | Introduced | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development ("PAID"), without consideration, a deed conveying fee simple title to a certain tract of City-owned land with the buildings and improvements thereon situated at the northwest corner of Fifth and Huntingdon streets, subject generally to the terms and conditions of the Philadelphia Industrial and Commercial Development Agreement among the City, PAID, and the Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation; and further authorizing PAID, notwithstanding any contrary requirements of the Philadelphia Industrial and Commercial Development Agreement, to convey such land and property to the Associacion de Musicos Latinos Americanos for a nominal consideration; all under certain terms and conditions. | Referred | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 17 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Contracts and Procurement," by adding a new Chapter requiring the City Controller to prepare or cause to be prepared economic impact statements for certain development projects prior to funding of such projects by the City or a City-related agency; all under certain terms and conditions. | Introduced | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 17 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Contracts and Procurement," by adding a new Chapter requiring the City Controller to prepare or cause to be prepared economic impact statements for certain development projects prior to funding of such projects by the City or a City-related agency; all under certain terms and conditions. | Referred | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Amending The Philadelphia Code to revise various requirements and prohibitions relating to "Educational Housing Districts," by amending Chapter 10-1800 ("Vicarious Liability for Student Conduct"), including revising the definition of the term responsible party; amending Chapter 9-2400 ("Universities and Students"), including by revising student address notification requirements applicable to students, universities and colleges; revising requirements on students and colleges and universities regarding the student's vehicles; revising requirements on colleges and universities regarding the provision to the City of certain policies and information; adding certain requirements applicable to landlords; adding certain reporting requirements; adding certain requirements regarding cooperation with enforcement officials; and making technical changes; all under certain terms and conditions. | Introduced | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Amending The Philadelphia Code to revise various requirements and prohibitions relating to "Educational Housing Districts," by amending Chapter 10-1800 ("Vicarious Liability for Student Conduct"), including revising the definition of the term responsible party; amending Chapter 9-2400 ("Universities and Students"), including by revising student address notification requirements applicable to students, universities and colleges; revising requirements on students and colleges and universities regarding the student's vehicles; revising requirements on colleges and universities regarding the provision to the City of certain policies and information; adding certain requirements applicable to landlords; adding certain reporting requirements; adding certain requirements regarding cooperation with enforcement officials; and making technical changes; all under certain terms and conditions. | Referred | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Terminating a parking regulation on Allegheny avenue, north side, Henry avenue to Thirty-second street. | Introduced | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Terminating a parking regulation on Allegheny avenue, north side, Henry avenue to Thirty-second street. | Referred | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Chapter 9-2400 of The Philadelphia Code ("Universities and Students") by adding requirements applicable to landlords who rent to students in Educational Housing Districts and to the colleges and universities attended by such students; by adding certain reporting requirements related to such requirements; and by making technical changes; all under certain terms and conditions. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Chapter 9-2400 of The Philadelphia Code ("Universities and Students") by adding requirements applicable to landlords who rent to students in Educational Housing Districts and to the colleges and universities attended by such students; by adding certain reporting requirements related to such requirements; and by making technical changes; all under certain terms and conditions. | Referred | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia of an amendment to the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter, as approved by Resolution of the City Council, to provide for the creation, appointment, powers and duties of an independent Philadelphia Public School Performance and Accountability Board, to provide for certain actions by the Mayor relating to the work of such Board, and to provide for a process by which local control of the School District may be returned to the citizens of Philadelphia; fixing the date of a special election for such purpose; prescribing the form of ballot questions to be voted on; and authorizing the appropriate officers to publish notice and to make arrangements for the special election. | Introduced | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia of an amendment to the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter, as approved by Resolution of the City Council, to provide for the creation, appointment, powers and duties of an independent Philadelphia Public School Performance and Accountability Board, to provide for certain actions by the Mayor relating to the work of such Board, and to provide for a process by which local control of the School District may be returned to the citizens of Philadelphia; fixing the date of a special election for such purpose; prescribing the form of ballot questions to be voted on; and authorizing the appropriate officers to publish notice and to make arrangements for the special election. | Referred | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Adopting an amendment to the Articles of Incorporation of the City Avenue Special Services District of Philadelphia and Lower Merion to extend the term of that Authority; all under certain terms and conditions. | Introduced | Pass | |
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Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Adopting an amendment to the Articles of Incorporation of the City Avenue Special Services District of Philadelphia and Lower Merion to extend the term of that Authority; all under certain terms and conditions. | Referred | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Redfield street, east side, Arch street to Filbert street. | Introduced | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Redfield street, east side, Arch street to Filbert street. | Referred | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Ridge avenue, west side, between Martin street to Ripka street. Ridge avenue, east side, between Martin street to Hermitage street. East Green lane, both sides, Ridge avenue to Lawton street. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Ridge avenue, west side, between Martin street to Ripka street. Ridge avenue, east side, between Martin street to Hermitage street. East Green lane, both sides, Ridge avenue to Lawton street. | Referred | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Millick street, west side, Market street to Arch street. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Millick street, west side, Market street to Arch street. | Referred | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Section 19-1301 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Real Estate Taxes," by providing that real estate taxes imposed under that Section shall be based upon the assessed value of real estate as returned by the Board of Revision of Taxes in 2001, thereby freezing such real estate taxes at the level imposed for tax year 2002, under certain terms and conditions. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Section 19-1301 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Real Estate Taxes," by providing that real estate taxes imposed under that Section shall be based upon the assessed value of real estate as returned by the Board of Revision of Taxes in 2001, thereby freezing such real estate taxes at the level imposed for tax year 2002, under certain terms and conditions. | Referred | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Chapter 19-1800 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "School Tax Authorization," by providing that real estate taxes imposed by the Board of Education of the School District of Philadelphia for tax year 2003 and thereafter shall be based upon the assessed value of real estate as certified by the Board of Revision of Taxes in 2001, thereby freezing such taxes at the level imposed for tax year 2002, and by requiring that any other real estate taxes imposed by the Board of Education be based upon such assessed values, all under certain terms and conditions. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Chapter 19-1800 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "School Tax Authorization," by providing that real estate taxes imposed by the Board of Education of the School District of Philadelphia for tax year 2003 and thereafter shall be based upon the assessed value of real estate as certified by the Board of Revision of Taxes in 2001, thereby freezing such taxes at the level imposed for tax year 2002, and by requiring that any other real estate taxes imposed by the Board of Education be based upon such assessed values, all under certain terms and conditions. | Referred | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Repealing an Ordinance (Bill No. 010339), authorizing the vacating of Byberry and Bensalem road from Southampton-Byberry road to the Philadelphia and Bucks County Line and the vacating of Burling avenue from the Roosevelt boulevard to a dead end approximately three thousand nine hundred (3,900) feet southeast of the Roosevelt boulevard, under certain terms and conditions. | Introduced | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Repealing an Ordinance (Bill No. 010339), authorizing the vacating of Byberry and Bensalem road from Southampton-Byberry road to the Philadelphia and Bucks County Line and the vacating of Burling avenue from the Roosevelt boulevard to a dead end approximately three thousand nine hundred (3,900) feet southeast of the Roosevelt boulevard, under certain terms and conditions. | Referred | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Section 19-2900 of Title 19 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Senior Citizen Low Income Special Tax Provisions," by expanding the coverage of this Chapter to include senior citizens who are eligible to participate in the Commonwealth's Pharmaceutical Assistance Contract for the Elderly Needs Enhancement Tier ("PACENET") program. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Section 19-2900 of Title 19 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Senior Citizen Low Income Special Tax Provisions," by expanding the coverage of this Chapter to include senior citizens who are eligible to participate in the Commonwealth's Pharmaceutical Assistance Contract for the Elderly Needs Enhancement Tier ("PACENET") program. | Referred | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Granting permission to Atul Amin, owner of the newsstand at the northeast corner of Fifteenth street and Arch street, to construct, use and maintain an electrical conduit with an electrical service line and a telecommunications conduit with a telephone service line in and under the north footway of Arch street for the purpose of supplying electrical service and telephone service to the newsstand, under certain terms and conditions. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Granting permission to Atul Amin, owner of the newsstand at the northeast corner of Fifteenth street and Arch street, to construct, use and maintain an electrical conduit with an electrical service line and a telecommunications conduit with a telephone service line in and under the north footway of Arch street for the purpose of supplying electrical service and telephone service to the newsstand, under certain terms and conditions. | Referred | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by increasing the permissible height for fences located on the front lot line of certain properties in residential districts; by prohibiting the use of barbed/razor/concertina wire or any similar type of wire on residentially-zoned property; and by permitting certain architectural embellishments on fences; all under certain terms and conditions. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by increasing the permissible height for fences located on the front lot line of certain properties in residential districts; by prohibiting the use of barbed/razor/concertina wire or any similar type of wire on residentially-zoned property; and by permitting certain architectural embellishments on fences; all under certain terms and conditions. | Referred | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Section 9-205 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Sidewalk Sales," by prohibiting sidewalk sales on portions of Eighteenth street and Callowhill street. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Section 9-205 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Sidewalk Sales," by prohibiting sidewalk sales on portions of Eighteenth street and Callowhill street. | Referred | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Fifteenth street, both sides, Norris street to Diamond street. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Fifteenth street, both sides, Norris street to Diamond street. | Referred | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Corinthian street, both sides, Fairmount avenue to Brown street. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Corinthian street, both sides, Fairmount avenue to Brown street. | Referred | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Perot street, south side, Twenty-third street to Twenty-fourth street. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Perot street, south side, Twenty-third street to Twenty-fourth street. | Referred | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Aspen street, both sides, Twenty-third street to Twenty-fourth street. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Aspen street, both sides, Twenty-third street to Twenty-fourth street. | Referred | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Croskey street, west side, Brown street to Aspen street. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Croskey street, west side, Brown street to Aspen street. | Referred | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Park avenue, west side, Rising Sun avenue to Ontario street. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Park avenue, west side, Rising Sun avenue to Ontario street. | Referred | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Fairmount avenue, north side, Corinthian avenue to Twenty-second street. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Fairmount avenue, north side, Corinthian avenue to Twenty-second street. | Referred | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Fairmount avenue, south side, Twenty-first street to Twenty-second street. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Fairmount avenue, south side, Twenty-first street to Twenty-second street. | Referred | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Taylor street, east side, Aspen street to Brown street. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Taylor street, east side, Aspen street to Brown street. | Referred | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Honoring the Eastwick Project Area Committee (PAC). | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Honoring the Eastwick Project Area Committee (PAC). | READ | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Honoring the Eastwick Project Area Committee (PAC). | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Approving the redevelopment contract and disposition supplement of the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia for the redevelopment and urban renewal of a portion of the Haddington Urban Renewal Area, Unit No. 1 designated as Parcel No. 33C also sometimes identified by house number and street address as 138-146 North Frazier street and a portion of the Mantua Urban Renewal Area designated as Parcel Nos. 15, 18, 37, 39 & 44 also sometimes identified by respective house numbers and street addresses for Parcel No. 15 as 3328-3330 Wallace street, for Parcel No. 18 as 521-523 North Thirty-third street, for Parcel No. 37 as 3333-3335 Mount Vernon street, for Parcel No. 39 as 3231 Haverford avenue and for Parcel No. 44 as 3202 Brandwine street; authorizing the Redevelopment Authority to execute the redevelopment contract with Neighborhood Restorations Limited Partnership XII and to take such action as may be necessary to effectuate the redevelopment contract and disposition supplement. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Approving the redevelopment contract and disposition supplement of the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia for the redevelopment and urban renewal of a portion of the Haddington Urban Renewal Area, Unit No. 1 designated as Parcel No. 33C also sometimes identified by house number and street address as 138-146 North Frazier street and a portion of the Mantua Urban Renewal Area designated as Parcel Nos. 15, 18, 37, 39 & 44 also sometimes identified by respective house numbers and street addresses for Parcel No. 15 as 3328-3330 Wallace street, for Parcel No. 18 as 521-523 North Thirty-third street, for Parcel No. 37 as 3333-3335 Mount Vernon street, for Parcel No. 39 as 3231 Haverford avenue and for Parcel No. 44 as 3202 Brandwine street; authorizing the Redevelopment Authority to execute the redevelopment contract with Neighborhood Restorations Limited Partnership XII and to take such action as may be necessary to effectuate the redevelopment contract and disposition supplement. | READ | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Approving the redevelopment contract and disposition supplement of the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia for the redevelopment and urban renewal of a portion of the Haddington Urban Renewal Area, Unit No. 1 designated as Parcel No. 33C also sometimes identified by house number and street address as 138-146 North Frazier street and a portion of the Mantua Urban Renewal Area designated as Parcel Nos. 15, 18, 37, 39 & 44 also sometimes identified by respective house numbers and street addresses for Parcel No. 15 as 3328-3330 Wallace street, for Parcel No. 18 as 521-523 North Thirty-third street, for Parcel No. 37 as 3333-3335 Mount Vernon street, for Parcel No. 39 as 3231 Haverford avenue and for Parcel No. 44 as 3202 Brandwine street; authorizing the Redevelopment Authority to execute the redevelopment contract with Neighborhood Restorations Limited Partnership XII and to take such action as may be necessary to effectuate the redevelopment contract and disposition supplement. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Council Committee of the Whole to hold hearings on real estate taxation in Philadelphia and the potential of land-value taxation to encourage development and discourage blight creation in the city; and, further authorizing the Committee to seek advice and recommendations on real estate tax policy and land-value taxation from citizens, community groups, economists, academia, business executives, officials from other jurisdictions, and state legislative and executive branch officials. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Council Committee of the Whole to hold hearings on real estate taxation in Philadelphia and the potential of land-value taxation to encourage development and discourage blight creation in the city; and, further authorizing the Committee to seek advice and recommendations on real estate tax policy and land-value taxation from citizens, community groups, economists, academia, business executives, officials from other jurisdictions, and state legislative and executive branch officials. | READ | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Council Committee of the Whole to hold hearings on real estate taxation in Philadelphia and the potential of land-value taxation to encourage development and discourage blight creation in the city; and, further authorizing the Committee to seek advice and recommendations on real estate tax policy and land-value taxation from citizens, community groups, economists, academia, business executives, officials from other jurisdictions, and state legislative and executive branch officials. | ADOPTED & REFERRED | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Honoring Michael McNair. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Honoring Michael McNair. | READ | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Honoring Michael McNair. | ADOPTED | | |
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| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Recognizing September 2002 as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and proclaim September 28, 2002 as Gold Ribbon Day in honor of childhood cancer patients, care givers, survivors and those children who have succumbed to the disease. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Recognizing September 2002 as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and proclaim September 28, 2002 as Gold Ribbon Day in honor of childhood cancer patients, care givers, survivors and those children who have succumbed to the disease. | READ | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Recognizing September 2002 as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and proclaim September 28, 2002 as Gold Ribbon Day in honor of childhood cancer patients, care givers, survivors and those children who have succumbed to the disease. | ADOPTED | | |
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| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Honoring the memory of General Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben and designating the area of 22nd Street and Benjamin Franklin Parkway as "Steuben Paltz" in celebration of the Thirty Second Annual Steuben Day Parade to be held on Saturday, September 28, 2002. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Honoring the memory of General Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben and designating the area of 22nd Street and Benjamin Franklin Parkway as "Steuben Paltz" in celebration of the Thirty Second Annual Steuben Day Parade to be held on Saturday, September 28, 2002. | READ | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Honoring the memory of General Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben and designating the area of 22nd Street and Benjamin Franklin Parkway as "Steuben Paltz" in celebration of the Thirty Second Annual Steuben Day Parade to be held on Saturday, September 28, 2002. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Recognizing the week of September 22, 2002 as "Philadelphia USO Week." | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Recognizing the week of September 22, 2002 as "Philadelphia USO Week." | READ | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Recognizing the week of September 22, 2002 as "Philadelphia USO Week." | ADOPTED | | |
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| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Honoring Nigel Pascoe, QC. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Honoring Nigel Pascoe, QC. | READ | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Honoring Nigel Pascoe, QC. | ADOPTED | | |
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| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Declaring October 2002 as Human Relations Month in the City of Philadelphia. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Declaring October 2002 as Human Relations Month in the City of Philadelphia. | READ | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Declaring October 2002 as Human Relations Month in the City of Philadelphia. | ADOPTED | | |
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| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Declaring September "National Alcohol And Drug Addiction Recovery Month" and recognizing the First Annual Recovery Walks! to be held on September 29, 2002. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Declaring September "National Alcohol And Drug Addiction Recovery Month" and recognizing the First Annual Recovery Walks! to be held on September 29, 2002. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Privileged Resolution | Declaring September "National Alcohol And Drug Addiction Recovery Month" and recognizing the First Annual Recovery Walks! to be held on September 29, 2002. | ADOPTED | | |
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Proposing an amendment to the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter to provide for the creation, appointment, powers and duties of an independent Philadelphia Public School Performance and Accountability Board, to provide for certain actions by the Mayor relating to the work of such Board, and to provide for a process by which local control of the School District may be returned to the citizens of Philadelphia, and providing for the submission of the amendment to the electors of Philadelphia. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Proposing an amendment to the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter to provide for the creation, appointment, powers and duties of an independent Philadelphia Public School Performance and Accountability Board, to provide for certain actions by the Mayor relating to the work of such Board, and to provide for a process by which local control of the School District may be returned to the citizens of Philadelphia, and providing for the submission of the amendment to the electors of Philadelphia. | Referred | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Urging the Mayor and City Solicitor to fully defend the validity of the Life Partnership legislation; authorizing City Council to file an amicus brief in support of the legality of these measures; and, requesting that the Law Department represent City Council in this matter and, if the Law Department declines to render such services to City Council, authorizing the retention of outside counsel to provide such services. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Urging the Mayor and City Solicitor to fully defend the validity of the Life Partnership legislation; authorizing City Council to file an amicus brief in support of the legality of these measures; and, requesting that the Law Department represent City Council in this matter and, if the Law Department declines to render such services to City Council, authorizing the retention of outside counsel to provide such services. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Urging the Mayor and City Solicitor to fully defend the validity of the Life Partnership legislation; authorizing City Council to file an amicus brief in support of the legality of these measures; and, requesting that the Law Department represent City Council in this matter and, if the Law Department declines to render such services to City Council, authorizing the retention of outside counsel to provide such services. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Fourth Ward of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvement in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Fourth Ward of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvement in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Fourth Ward of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvement in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Opposing any measure or proposal that cuts or privatizes Social Security or Medicare benefits. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Opposing any measure or proposal that cuts or privatizes Social Security or Medicare benefits. | READ | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Opposing any measure or proposal that cuts or privatizes Social Security or Medicare benefits. | ADOPTED | | |
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Calling upon the National Park Service to ensure equitable economic participation in opportunities arising from the Liberty Bell Pavilion project and the appropriate memorializing of the eight human beings of African descent held in bondage at that site. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Calling upon the National Park Service to ensure equitable economic participation in opportunities arising from the Liberty Bell Pavilion project and the appropriate memorializing of the eight human beings of African descent held in bondage at that site. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Calling upon the National Park Service to ensure equitable economic participation in opportunities arising from the Liberty Bell Pavilion project and the appropriate memorializing of the eight human beings of African descent held in bondage at that site. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Committee on Commerce and Economic Development to hold hearings into the current state of community reinvestment by City depository banks within low-income and minority neighborhoods in the City of Philadelphia and authorizing the Committee to issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents and other evidence. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Committee on Commerce and Economic Development to hold hearings into the current state of community reinvestment by City depository banks within low-income and minority neighborhoods in the City of Philadelphia and authorizing the Committee to issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents and other evidence. | READ | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Committee on Commerce and Economic Development to hold hearings into the current state of community reinvestment by City depository banks within low-income and minority neighborhoods in the City of Philadelphia and authorizing the Committee to issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents and other evidence. | ADOPTED & REFERRED | Pass | 16:0 |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Supporting the Order Sons of Italy in America in their efforts to secure the issuance of a commemorative stamp by the United States Post Office in honor of United States Marine Corps Sergeant John Basilone. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Supporting the Order Sons of Italy in America in their efforts to secure the issuance of a commemorative stamp by the United States Post Office in honor of United States Marine Corps Sergeant John Basilone. | READ | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Supporting the Order Sons of Italy in America in their efforts to secure the issuance of a commemorative stamp by the United States Post Office in honor of United States Marine Corps Sergeant John Basilone. | ADOPTED | | |
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Urging the Mayor to suspend implementation of the recent property tax reassessments until comprehensive reform of Philadelphia's property taxation system can be fully realized. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Urging the Mayor to suspend implementation of the recent property tax reassessments until comprehensive reform of Philadelphia's property taxation system can be fully realized. | READ | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Urging the Mayor to suspend implementation of the recent property tax reassessments until comprehensive reform of Philadelphia's property taxation system can be fully realized. | READ | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Urging the Mayor to suspend implementation of the recent property tax reassessments until comprehensive reform of Philadelphia's property taxation system can be fully realized. | ADOPTED | | |
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing City Council's Committee on Legislative Oversight to hold public hearings on the City's "Live Stop" program and to investigate its impact on high automobile insurance premiums in the City. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing City Council's Committee on Legislative Oversight to hold public hearings on the City's "Live Stop" program and to investigate its impact on high automobile insurance premiums in the City. | READ | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing City Council's Committee on Legislative Oversight to hold public hearings on the City's "Live Stop" program and to investigate its impact on high automobile insurance premiums in the City. | ADOPTED & REFERRED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Approving a final plan for the proposed Port Richmond Industrial Development Enterprise (PRIDE) Neighborhood Improvement District ("District"), and authorizing and directing the Committee on Rules to take further actions required by the Community and Economic Improvement Act prior to enactment of an ordinance that would formally establish the District. | Introduced | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Approving a final plan for the proposed Port Richmond Industrial Development Enterprise (PRIDE) Neighborhood Improvement District ("District"), and authorizing and directing the Committee on Rules to take further actions required by the Community and Economic Improvement Act prior to enactment of an ordinance that would formally establish the District. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Approving a final plan for the proposed Port Richmond Industrial Development Enterprise (PRIDE) Neighborhood Improvement District ("District"), and authorizing and directing the Committee on Rules to take further actions required by the Community and Economic Improvement Act prior to enactment of an ordinance that would formally establish the District. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, to acquire by condemnation or by purchase in lieu of condemnation fee simple title to a parcel of real estate with any improvements situated thereon located at 8400 Executive avenue and any other real property interests in such parcel, under certain terms and conditions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, to acquire by condemnation or by purchase in lieu of condemnation fee simple title to a parcel of real estate with any improvements situated thereon located at 8400 Executive avenue and any other real property interests in such parcel, under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, to acquire by condemnation or by purchase in lieu of condemnation fee simple title to a parcel of real estate with any improvements situated thereon located at 8400 Executive avenue and any other real property interests in such parcel, under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 4 | | | Bill | Amending Chapter 10-600 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Public Places -- Prohibited Conduct," by prohibiting smoking in certain public places and in the workplace, with certain exceptions, and by repealing current provisions set forth in Section 10-602 regulating smoking; all under certain terms and conditions. | READ | | |
Action details
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| 5 | | | Bill | Amending Chapter 10-600 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Public Places -- Prohibited Conduct," by prohibiting smoking in certain public places and in the workplace, with certain exceptions, and by repealing current provisions set forth in Section 10-602 regulating smoking; all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON FINAL PASSAGE CALENDAR FOR NEXT MEETING. | | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | | | Bill | Amending Chapter 10-600 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Public Places -- Prohibited Conduct," by prohibiting smoking in certain public places and in the workplace, with certain exceptions, and by repealing current provisions set forth in Section 10-602 regulating smoking; all under certain terms and conditions. | AMENDED | Pass | 15:1 |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Approving a new plan, estimated costs and proposed method of charges of the Manayunk Special Services District for and concerning business improvements and administrative services to the Manayunk business district of the City of Philadelphia. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Approving a new plan, estimated costs and proposed method of charges of the Manayunk Special Services District for and concerning business improvements and administrative services to the Manayunk business district of the City of Philadelphia. | ORDERED PLACED ON FINAL PASSAGE CALENDAR FOR NEXT MEETING. | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Approving a new plan, estimated costs and proposed method of charges of the Manayunk Special Services District for and concerning business improvements and administrative services to the Manayunk business district of the City of Philadelphia. | AMENDED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a neighborhood improvement district in the area bounded generally by the eastern side of Tulip Street, the northern side of Allegheny Avenue, the western side of Amber Street, and the northern side of Venango Street, to be known as the Port Richmond Industrial Development Enterprise (PRIDE) Neighborhood Improvement District ("District"); designating PRIDE, Inc., a Pennsylvania nonprofit corporation, as the Neighborhood Improvement District Management Association for the District; approving a final plan for the District, including a list of proposed improvements and their estimated cost, and providing for assessment fees to be levied on property owners within the District; authorizing the Director of Commerce, on behalf of the City, to execute an agreement with PRIDE, Inc. relating to the District; and authorizing PRIDE, Inc. to assess property owners within the District a special property assessment fee to be used in accordance with the approved final plan; all in accordance with the provisions of the Community and Economic Improvement Act, and under certain terms and co | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Establishing a neighborhood improvement district in the area bounded generally by the eastern side of Tulip Street, the northern side of Allegheny Avenue, the western side of Amber Street, and the northern side of Venango Street, to be known as the Port Richmond Industrial Development Enterprise (PRIDE) Neighborhood Improvement District ("District"); designating PRIDE, Inc., a Pennsylvania nonprofit corporation, as the Neighborhood Improvement District Management Association for the District; approving a final plan for the District, including a list of proposed improvements and their estimated cost, and providing for assessment fees to be levied on property owners within the District; authorizing the Director of Commerce, on behalf of the City, to execute an agreement with PRIDE, Inc. relating to the District; and authorizing PRIDE, Inc. to assess property owners within the District a special property assessment fee to be used in accordance with the approved final plan; all in accordance with the provisions of the Community and Economic Improvement Act, and under certain terms and co | AMENDED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Establishing a neighborhood improvement district in the area bounded generally by the eastern side of Tulip Street, the northern side of Allegheny Avenue, the western side of Amber Street, and the northern side of Venango Street, to be known as the Port Richmond Industrial Development Enterprise (PRIDE) Neighborhood Improvement District ("District"); designating PRIDE, Inc., a Pennsylvania nonprofit corporation, as the Neighborhood Improvement District Management Association for the District; approving a final plan for the District, including a list of proposed improvements and their estimated cost, and providing for assessment fees to be levied on property owners within the District; authorizing the Director of Commerce, on behalf of the City, to execute an agreement with PRIDE, Inc. relating to the District; and authorizing PRIDE, Inc. to assess property owners within the District a special property assessment fee to be used in accordance with the approved final plan; all in accordance with the provisions of the Community and Economic Improvement Act, and under certain terms and co | RECOMMITTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Establishing a neighborhood improvement district in the area bounded generally by the eastern side of Tulip Street, the northern side of Allegheny Avenue, the western side of Amber Street, and the northern side of Venango Street, to be known as the Port Richmond Industrial Development Enterprise (PRIDE) Neighborhood Improvement District ("District"); designating PRIDE, Inc., a Pennsylvania nonprofit corporation, as the Neighborhood Improvement District Management Association for the District; approving a final plan for the District, including a list of proposed improvements and their estimated cost, and providing for assessment fees to be levied on property owners within the District; authorizing the Director of Commerce, on behalf of the City, to execute an agreement with PRIDE, Inc. relating to the District; and authorizing PRIDE, Inc. to assess property owners within the District a special property assessment fee to be used in accordance with the approved final plan; all in accordance with the provisions of the Community and Economic Improvement Act, and under certain terms and co | Re-Referred | Pass | |
Action details
Not available