| 0 | | | COMMUNICATION | Transmitting a message advising Council that Bill Nos. 120213-A, 100299, 120323, 120324, 120325, 120327, 120333, 120334, 120335, 120336, 120344, 120437, 120438, 120439, 120390, 120391, 120393, 120394, 120410, 120411, 120412, 120422, 120423, 120424, 120425 and 120426, which were passed by Council on June 7, 2012, were signed by the Mayor on June 20, 2012. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | COMMUNICATION | June 20, 2012
To The President and Members of
The Council of the City of Philadelphia:
Pursuant to Section 4-604 and 2-307 of the Home Rule Charter, I am today transmitting to the Council the recommendatiaon of the City Planning Commission regarding the following bills:
Bill No. 120420
Bill No. 120524
I am also transmitting letters reflecting a Plan of Development approval in connection with 230-250 N. Christopher Columbus Blvd. and 31 South Broad Street and a revised Plan of development approval in connection with 412 North Street.
Michael A Nutter,
Mayor | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | COMMUNICATION | Transmitting a resolution approving the fifth amendment of the redevelopment proposal for the American Street Industrial Corridor Urban Renewal Area, being the area generally bounded by Lehigh avenue, Berks street and Montgomery avenue on the north, by Second street and Philip street on the east, by Girard avenue, Oxford street and Jefferson street on the south and by Germantown avenue, Sixth street and Third street on the west, including the fifth amendment to the urban renewal plan and the third amendment to the relocation plan, which provides, inter alia, for the additional land acquisition of approximately forty-nine (49) properties for residential, institutional, industrial and related uses; the provision of certain relocation services, as required by law and declaring that condemnation is not imminent with respect to the Project. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Approving the redevelopment contract and disposition supplement of the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority for the redevelopment and urban renewal of a portion of the Model Cities Urban Renewal Area, identified by house numbers and street addresses as 1800 North Sixteenth street, 1804-1808 North Sixteenth street, 1812 North Sixteenth street and 1820 North Sixteenth street; authorizing the Redevelopment Authority to execute the redevelopment contract with 1800 16th Street, LLC and to take such action as may be necessary to effectuate the redevelopment contract and disposition supplement. | Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Committee on Transportation and Public Utilities to hold public hearings to investigate flooding and the City of Philadelphia's efforts to improve stormwater management in the Eastwick section of Philadelphia. | Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Respectfully urging the Pennsylvania General Assembly to reject House Bill 2405 because it would halt state funding for important women's healthcare services. | Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Section 9-205 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Sidewalk Sales," by permitting sidewalk sales on a portion of Frankford Avenue, under certain terms and conditions. | Introduced and Referred | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Approving the fifth amendment of the redevelopment proposal for the American Street Industrial Corridor Urban Renewal Area, being the area generally bounded by Lehigh avenue, Berks street and Montgomery avenue on the north, by Second street and Philip street on the east, by Girard avenue, Oxford street and Jefferson street on the south and by Germantown avenue, Sixth street and Third street on the west, including the fifth amendment to the urban renewal plan and the third amendment to the relocation plan, which provides, inter alia, for the additional land acquisition of approximately forty-nine (49) properties for residential, institutional, industrial and related uses; the provision of certain relocation services, as required by law and declaring that condemnation is not imminent with respect to the Project. | Introduced and Referred | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Calling on the U.S. Congress to redirect military spending to fund education, public and private sector family-sustaining job creation, special protections for military sector workers, environmental and infrastructure restoration, care for veterans and their families, and the human services that our cities and states so desperately need. | Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Committee on Finance to hold hearings examining the current tax structure and cost of government in the City of Philadelphia and how to reform both to increase the City's regional and national economic competiveness, stimulate job growth, and attract and retain residents, and, in furtherance of such investigation, authorizing the issuance of subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents to the full extent authorized under Section 2-401 of the Home Rule Charter. | Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Chapter 17-1500 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Annual Disparity Study and Participation Goals," by requiring certain additional information to be included in the Finance Director's required annual report, under certain terms and conditions. | Introduced and Referred | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Honoring Joseph A. Feola upon his retirement and recognizing his dedication to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, especially his accomplishments as Director for the Southeast Regional Office. | Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Committee on Public Safety to hold public hearings to review and examine the regulations surrounding All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) and similar vehicles. | Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Adopting an amendment to the Articles of Incorporation of the Manayunk Special Services District of Philadelphia to extend the term of that Authority; all under certain terms and conditions. | Introduced and Referred | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Approving a new plan, estimated costs and proposed method of assessment of the Manayunk Special Services District for and concerning business improvements and administrative services to the Manayunk business district of the City of Philadelphia. | Introduced and Referred | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Honoring the outstanding efforts and achievements of the many founders and supporters of Youth Courts who have integrated restorative justice methods, taught civic responsibility, and promoted community involvement; all to promote the goal of reduced recidivism and delinquency; as well as inspire our youth towards achievement, empowerment, and self-realization. | Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Honoring the late historian Dr. Edward Robinson (1918 - 2012) for his unbridled passion and dedication to the study of African Ancestry, his many lessons on culture, anthropology, and heritage, and his commitment to the Philadelphia community. | Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Calling upon Council's Committee on Education to hold hearings to determine the best, most efficient and effective form of governance and accountability for the Philadelphia School District. | Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Removing certain properties located on the ground bounded by West Thompson Street to the North, North 31st Street to the East, West Girard Avenue to the South, and certain railroad tracks and North 32nd Street to the West from the Philadelphia Keystone Opportunity Expansion Zone, subject to the request and consent of the owners of said properties, all under certain terms and conditions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Removing certain properties located on the ground bounded by West Thompson Street to the North, North 31st Street to the East, West Girard Avenue to the South, and certain railroad tracks and North 32nd Street to the West from the Philadelphia Keystone Opportunity Expansion Zone, subject to the request and consent of the owners of said properties, all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Bond Committee to sell bonds at public or private negotiated sale, to provide funds toward various capital municipal purposes; providing for appropriations to the Sinking Fund Commission for the payment of such bonds; authorizing agreements to provide credit or payment or liquidity sources for the bonds in connection with issuance of the bonds, and certain other actions; providing for obtaining the consent of the electors to increasing the indebtedness of the City; and fixing a day and providing for arrangements for holding the election for obtaining such consent. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Bond Committee to sell bonds at public or private negotiated sale, to provide funds toward various capital municipal purposes; providing for appropriations to the Sinking Fund Commission for the payment of such bonds; authorizing agreements to provide credit or payment or liquidity sources for the bonds in connection with issuance of the bonds, and certain other actions; providing for obtaining the consent of the electors to increasing the indebtedness of the City; and fixing a day and providing for arrangements for holding the election for obtaining such consent. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia of the proposal set forth in a Resolution approved by Council proposing an amendment of The Philadelphia Home Rule Charter relating to information that must be provided with the annual operating budget, annual capital budget, and capital program; and authorizing the appropriate officers to publish notice and to make arrangements for the special election. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia of the proposal set forth in a Resolution approved by Council proposing an amendment of The Philadelphia Home Rule Charter relating to information that must be provided with the annual operating budget, annual capital budget, and capital program; and authorizing the appropriate officers to publish notice and to make arrangements for the special election. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Proposing an amendment to the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter relating to information that must be provided with the annual operating budget, annual capital budget, and capital program, requiring the Finance Director to provide such information, and providing for the submission of the amendment to the electors of Philadelphia. | FAVORABLY RECOMMENDED; CONSIDERATION AT NEXT STATED COUNCIL MEETING | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia of the proposal set forth in a Resolution approved by Council proposing an amendment of The Philadelphia Home Rule Charter relating to a preference in civil service regulations for the grandchildren of firefighters or police officers who were killed or who died in the line of duty; and authorizing the appropriate officers to publish notice and to make arrangements for the special election. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia of the proposal set forth in a Resolution approved by Council proposing an amendment of The Philadelphia Home Rule Charter relating to a preference in civil service regulations for the grandchildren of firefighters or police officers who were killed or who died in the line of duty; and authorizing the appropriate officers to publish notice and to make arrangements for the special election. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Proposing an amendment to The Philadelphia Home Rule Charter to provide for a preference in civil service regulations for the grandchildren of firefighters or police officers who were killed or who died in the line of duty, and providing for the submission of the amendment to the electors of Philadelphia. | FAVORABLY RECOMMENDED; CONSIDERATION AT NEXT STATED COUNCIL MEETING | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the City of Philadelphia to enter into purchase obligations for the delivery of electric supply for use by facilities owned and leased by the City, including agreements that obligate payments for delivery of electric supply in Fiscal Year 2015, subject to certain terms and conditions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the City of Philadelphia to enter into purchase obligations for the delivery of electric supply for use by facilities owned and leased by the City, including agreements that obligate payments for delivery of electric supply in Fiscal Year 2015, subject to certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FINAL PASSAGE CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Removing certain properties located on the ground bounded by West Thompson Street to the North, North 31st Street to the East, West Girard Avenue to the South, and certain railroad tracks and North 32nd Street to the West from the Philadelphia Keystone Opportunity Expansion Zone, subject to the request and consent of the owners of said properties, all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Bond Committee to sell bonds at public or private negotiated sale, to provide funds toward various capital municipal purposes; providing for appropriations to the Sinking Fund Commission for the payment of such bonds; authorizing agreements to provide credit or payment or liquidity sources for the bonds in connection with issuance of the bonds, and certain other actions; providing for obtaining the consent of the electors to increasing the indebtedness of the City; and fixing a day and providing for arrangements for holding the election for obtaining such consent. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia of the proposal set forth in a Resolution approved by Council proposing an amendment of The Philadelphia Home Rule Charter relating to information that must be provided with the annual operating budget, annual capital budget, and capital program; and authorizing the appropriate officers to publish notice and to make arrangements for the special election. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia of the proposal set forth in a Resolution approved by Council proposing an amendment of The Philadelphia Home Rule Charter relating to a preference in civil service regulations for the grandchildren of firefighters or police officers who were killed or who died in the line of duty; and authorizing the appropriate officers to publish notice and to make arrangements for the special election. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the City of Philadelphia to enter into purchase obligations for the delivery of electric supply for use by facilities owned and leased by the City, including agreements that obligate payments for delivery of electric supply in Fiscal Year 2015, subject to certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Calling on the U.S. Congress and President Barack Obama to redirect military spending to fund education, public and private sector family-sustaining job creation, special protections for military sector workers, environmental and infrastructure restoration, care for veterans and their families, and the human services that our cities and states so desperately need. | WITHDRAWN | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Fifty-first Ward of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvement in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Approving the redevelopment contract and disposition supplement of the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority for the redevelopment and urban renewal of a portion of the Model Cities Urban Renewal Area, identified by house number and street address as 749 North Uber street; authorizing the Redevelopment Authority to execute the redevelopment contract with Steph-Sin Development, LLC and to take such action as may be necessary to effectuate the redevelopment contract and disposition supplement. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Approving the redevelopment contract and disposition supplement of the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority for the redevelopment and urban renewal of a portion of the Model Cities Urban Renewal Area, identified by house number and street address as 1620 North Patton street; authorizing the Redevelopment Authority to execute the redevelopment contract with Jacob Hellman and to take such action as may be necessary to effectuate the redevelopment contract and disposition supplement. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Approving the redevelopment contract of the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority for the redevelopment and urban renewal of a portion of the Southwest Temple Urban Renewal Area, designated as Parcel Nos. 26 and 27 and also sometimes identified by house numbers and street addresses for Parcel No. 26 as 1221-1233 North Hutchinson street and for Parcel No. 27 as 1224-1238 Rear North Ninth street; authorizing the Redevelopment Authority to execute the redevelopment contract with 9th Street Marketplace, LLC and to take such action as may be necessary to effectuate the redevelopment contract. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Fifteenth and Forty-seventh Wards of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvement in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Urging the Renewal of Collective Bargaining Agreements Between Labor and Management in Area Health Care Institutions. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Thirty-sixth Ward of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvement in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Calling upon the United States Congress to defend democracy from the undue influence of corporations by passing and sending to the states for ratification a constitutional amendment which overturns the Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission and establishes that only human beings, not corporations, are endowed with constitutional rights, and that money is not speech so that regulating political contributions and spending is not equivalent to limiting political speech and calling upon the Pennsylvania General Assembly to adopt a similar resolution. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Thirty-first Ward of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvement in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Nineteenth Ward of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvement in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Approving the redevelopment contract and disposition supplement of the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority for the redevelopment and urban renewal of a portion of the Model Cities Urban Renewal Area, identified by house number and street address as 427-435 Master street; authorizing the Redevelopment Authority to execute the redevelopment contract with Umbrella Partners, LLC and to take such action as may be necessary to effectuate the redevelopment contract and disposition supplement. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Thirty-eighth Ward of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvement in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Nominating 25 individuals for consideration by the Mayor as appointees to the Commission on Parks and Recreation. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Reappointing Pat Lavelle to the Board of Directors for the Old City Special Services District. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Reappointing Michael Mattioni to the Board of Directors for the Old City Special Services District. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Appointing Harold Epps to the Board of Directors of the Center City District. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Appointing Greg DeShields to the Board of Directors of the Center City District. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Appointing David Marshall to the Board of Directors of the Center City District. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Approving the annual Program Statement and Budget for the expenditure of the Neighborhood Transformation Initiative (NTI) Bond Proceeds for Fiscal Year 2013. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | To amend the Philadelphia Zoning Maps by changing the zoning designations of certain areas of land located within an area bounded by York Street, Front Street, Second Street and Berks Street. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | | | Bill | Amending Chapter 9-3400 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Energy Conservation," to provide for the benchmarking and reporting of energy and water usage data for certain buildings, all under certain terms and conditions. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Committee on Transportation and Public Utilities to hold public hearings to investigate flooding and the City of Philadelphia's efforts to improve stormwater management in the Eastwick section of Philadelphia. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Calling on the U.S. Congress to redirect military spending to fund education, public and private sector family-sustaining job creation, special protections for military sector workers, environmental and infrastructure restoration, care for veterans and their families, and the human services that our cities and states so desperately need. | ADOPTED | Pass | 14:3 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Committee on Finance to hold hearings examining the current tax structure and cost of government in the City of Philadelphia and how to reform both to increase the City's regional and national economic competiveness, stimulate job growth, and attract and retain residents, and, in furtherance of such investigation, authorizing the issuance of subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents to the full extent authorized under Section 2-401 of the Home Rule Charter. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Honoring Joseph A. Feola upon his retirement and recognizing his dedication to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, especially his accomplishments as Director for the Southeast Regional Office. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Committee on Public Safety to hold public hearings to review and examine the regulations surrounding All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) and similar vehicles. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Honoring the outstanding efforts and achievements of the many founders and supporters of Youth Courts who have integrated restorative justice methods, taught civic responsibility, and promoted community involvement; all to promote the goal of reduced recidivism and delinquency; as well as inspire our youth towards achievement, empowerment, and self-realization. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Honoring the late historian Dr. Edward Robinson (1918 - 2012) for his unbridled passion and dedication to the study of African Ancestry, his many lessons on culture, anthropology, and heritage, and his commitment to the Philadelphia community. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Calling upon Council's Committee on Education to hold hearings to determine the best, most efficient and effective form of governance and accountability for the Philadelphia School District. | ADOPTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing Temple University ("Owner") to construct, own and maintain encroachments within the right-of-way at 1837-55 North Broad Street ("Property"), under certain terms and conditions. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing Caffe Italia ("Owner") to construct, own and maintain auxiliary seating at 1424 Snyder Avenue ("Property"), under certain terms and conditions. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | | | Bill | Amending Section 19-1806, entitled "Authorization of Realty Use and Occupancy Tax," to further authorize the Board of Education of the School District of Philadelphia to impose a tax on the use or occupancy of real estate within the School District of Philadelphia, under certain terms and conditions. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 11:6 |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | | | Bill | Authorizing real estate taxes for the City of Philadelphia and the School District of Philadelphia for Fiscal Year 2013 and thereafter, by amending Chapter 19-1300 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Real Estate Taxes," to provide for a tax and tax rate on real property, for exclusions, and for an established predetermined ratio; and by amending Chapter 19-1800 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "School Tax Authorization," to further authorize the Board of Education of the School District of Philadelphia to impose a tax on real estate within the City of Philadelphia, and providing for a tax rate and for exclusions; all under certain terms and conditions. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 3 | | | Bill | Authorizing real estate taxes for the City of Philadelphia and the School District of Philadelphia for Fiscal Year 2013 and thereafter, by amending Chapter 19-1300 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Real Estate Taxes," to provide for a tax and tax rate on real property, for exclusions, and for an established predetermined ratio; and by amending Chapter 19-1800 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "School Tax Authorization," to further authorize the Board of Education of the School District of Philadelphia to impose a tax on real estate within the City of Philadelphia, and providing for a tax rate and for exclusions; all under certain terms and conditions. | AMENDED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 3 | | | Bill | Authorizing real estate taxes for the City of Philadelphia and the School District of Philadelphia for Fiscal Year 2013 and thereafter, by amending Chapter 19-1300 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Real Estate Taxes," to provide for a tax and tax rate on real property, for exclusions, and for an established predetermined ratio; and by amending Chapter 19-1800 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "School Tax Authorization," to further authorize the Board of Education of the School District of Philadelphia to impose a tax on real estate within the City of Philadelphia, and providing for a tax rate and for exclusions; all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON FINAL PASSAGE CALENDAR FOR NEXT MEETING. | | |
Action details
Not available
| 4 | | | Bill | Enacting a new Chapter 19-3800 of The Philadelphia Code authorizing the granting of tax exemptions to longtime owner-occupants of certain properties in the City of Philadelphia. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | | | Bill | Enacting a new Chapter 19-3800 of The Philadelphia Code authorizing the granting of tax exemptions to longtime owner-occupants of certain properties in the City of Philadelphia. | AMENDED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | | | Bill | Enacting a new Chapter 19-3800 of The Philadelphia Code authorizing the granting of tax exemptions to longtime owner-occupants of certain properties in the City of Philadelphia. | ORDERED PLACED ON FINAL PASSAGE CALENDAR FOR NEXT MEETING. | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | To adopt a Capital Program for the six Fiscal Years 2013-2018 inclusive. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | | | Bill | To adopt a Capital Program for the six Fiscal Years 2013-2018 inclusive. | AMENDED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | | | Bill | To adopt a Capital Program for the six Fiscal Years 2013-2018 inclusive. | ORDERED PLACED ON FINAL PASSAGE CALENDAR FOR NEXT MEETING. | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | To adopt a Fiscal 2013 Capital Budget. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | | | Bill | To adopt a Fiscal 2013 Capital Budget. | AMENDED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | | | Bill | To adopt a Fiscal 2013 Capital Budget. | ORDERED PLACED ON FINAL PASSAGE CALENDAR FOR NEXT MEETING. | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Adopting the Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2013. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | | | Bill | Adopting the Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2013. | AMENDED | | |
Action details
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| 2 | | | Bill | Adopting the Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2013. | ORDERED PLACED ON FINAL PASSAGE CALENDAR FOR NEXT MEETING. | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," to expand the boundaries of the I-95 Acquisition Corridor, under certain terms and conditions. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 16:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by revising and clarifying certain provisions and making technical changes, all under certain terms and conditions. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Amending the Philadelphia Zoning Maps by changing the zoning designations of certain areas of land located within an area bounded by 38th Street, Ludlow Street, Chestnut Street and 37th Street, from partly "R-16" Residential and partly "C-2" Commercial to a single designation of "C-4" Commercial; and amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by amending §14-305 "C-4" Commercial and "C-5" Commercial Districts; and amending §14-1402 Parking in Residential Districts, under certain terms and conditions. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Approving the Fiscal Year 2013 Capital Budget providing for expenditures for the capital purposes of the Philadelphia Gas Works (including the supplying of funds in connection therewith) subject to certain constraints and conditions, and acknowledging receipt of the Forecast of Capital Budgets for Fiscal Years 2014 through 2018. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 16:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the City Treasurer, on behalf of the City, to enter into an agreement with Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. for provision of payroll banking services to the City, under certain terms and conditions. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Chapter 19-3200, entitled "Keystone Opportunity Zone, Economic Development District, and Strategic Development Area," by providing for additional properties to be added to certain zones; and by providing for extensions of the term of benefits for certain properties; all under certain terms and conditions. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Chapter 12-2800 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Administrative Adjudication of Parking Violations," by providing for an additional fee to be added to the cost of each parking ticket, under certain terms and conditions. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 16:1 |
Action details
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| 1 | | | Bill | Amending Title 16 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Public Property," to provide for estimated annual energy cost disclosures upon the sale of certain City-owned residential properties, all under certain terms and conditions. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to enter into a long-term lease agreement with the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority ("SEPTA"), whereby the City will obtain use of a parking lot located approximately at the intersection of Dupont and High Streets, and of a section of an abandoned SEPTA railroad line from a point contiguous with such parking lot to a point near the intersection of Umbria and Parker Streets, all under certain terms and conditions. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
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| 1 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to convey, to the Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development, a parcel of land generally situate at 1224 North Mascher Street, for further conveyance, under certain terms and conditions. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to convey, to the Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development, a parcel of land generally situate at 1849 Frankford Avenue, for further conveyance, under certain terms and conditions. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
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| 1 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to convey, to the Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development, a parcel of land generally situate at 3129 South 70th Street, for further conveyance, all under certain terms and conditions. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
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| 1 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to convey, to the Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development, certain parcels of land situate at 3300 North Front Street and 130 West Westmoreland Street, with any improvements thereon, for further conveyance, all under certain terms and conditions. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing a license agreement with a term of up to twenty years, and other related agreements, between the City of Philadelphia, as licensor, and the Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development, as licensee, for certain land and facilities located in the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Park and the Marian Anderson Recreation Center, to be used to establish, conduct, and operate the Philadelphia Phillies MLB Urban Youth Academy, all under certain terms and conditions. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing and directing the installation of a traffic signal on Conshohocken Avenue at the easternmost entrance from Conshohocken Avenue to the parking lot on the property known as 4160 Monument Road, under certain terms and conditions. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Section 9-213 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Farmers' Markets," by adding as permissible locations the southwest quadrant of Norris Square Park (the area of land bounded by west Susquehanna Avenue, north Howard Street, Diamond Street and north Hancock Street), and the sidewalk of the south side of Lehigh Avenue between North Lawrence Street and 4th Street, all under certain terms and conditions. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the revision of lines and grades on a portion of City Plan No. 271 by striking from the City Plan and vacating Bodine Street from Spring Garden Street to Green Street and reserving and placing on the City Plan a right-of-way for use as a pedestrian walkway within the easterly six feet wide portion of said Bodine Street, under certain terms and conditions, and authorizing acceptance of the grant to the City of the said right-of-way. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing Northern Liberties Auction, Inc. ("Owner") to construct, use and maintain various encroachments within the right-of-way on the north sidewalk of Spring Garden Street between N. Third Street and Bodine Street ("Property"), under certain terms and conditions. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
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| 1 | | | Bill | Authorizing Dranoff Properties, Inc., 3180 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to construct, own and maintain various encroachments within the City right-of-way on the east side of Broad Street between Rodman Street and South Street, the north side of South Street between Juniper Street and Broad Street and the south side of Rodman Street between Juniper Street and Broad Street, under certain terms and conditions. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Carlisle street, west side, Tioga street to Ontario street. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
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| 1 | | | Bill | Amending Section 9-213 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Farmers' Markets," by adding as a permissible location a portion of the sidewalks and curb lanes of both sides of the 3500 block of Ryan Avenue beginning at Frankford Avenue, and making conforming amendments to Section 9-205, entitled "Sidewalk Sales," all under certain terms and conditions. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing 2303 Bainbridge Street, LLC, to construct, own and maintain various encroachments within the City right-of-way on the north side of Bainbridge Street between South 24th Street and Grays Ferry Avenue and the west side of Grays Ferry Avenue, north of Bainbridge Street, adjacent to the premises known as 621 South 24th Street, under certain terms and conditions. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on 6th street, both sides, Carpenter street to Washington avenue. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Tasker street, both sides, 12th street to 13th street. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Carpenter street, both sides, 11th street to 12th street. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing Bill Murphy's Irish Saloon ("Owner") to construct, own and maintain an open air sidewalk café at 3333-35 Conrad Street ("Property"), under certain terms and conditions. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
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| 1 | | | Bill | Authorizing J.B. Sweets & Treats LLC d/b/a Sweets & Treats ("Owner") to construct, own and maintain an open air sidewalk café at 3138 Richmond Street ("Property"), under certain terms and conditions. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing Green Olives Cafe ("Owner") to construct, own and maintain an open air sidewalk café at 992 N. 2nd Street ("Property"), under certain terms and conditions. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing 931-933 Inc. d/b/a Cantina Dos Segundos ("Owner") to construct, own and maintain an open air sidewalk café at 931-933 N. 2nd Street ("Property"), under certain terms and conditions. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing Dock Street Brewery ("Owner") to construct, own and maintain an open air sidewalk café at 701 S. 50th Street ("Property"), under certain terms and conditions. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a no tractor trailer parking regulation on the 800 Block of South 53rd Street, from Broomall Street to Whitby Avenue, both sides. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 4 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "The Philadelphia Building Construction and Occupancy Code," by amending Subcode "F" ("The Philadelphia Fire Code"), by modifying a subsection allowing smoke alarms in existing one- and two-family dwellings to be solely battery powered, all under certain terms and conditions. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
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| 1 | | | Bill | Renaming and designating Old Line Park located at 8730 Old Line Road as "Jack Horgan Memorial Field". | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Naming the playground currently designated as the "Cobbs Creek Playground," located at 63rd and Catharine Streets, and bounded by 63rd and Christian Streets as the "Rufus O. Williams Memorial Playground." | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Concession Agreement for Operation and Management of Bicycle Rental Stations In The Fairmount Park System, between the City of Philadelphia and Freetime, Inc. (doing business as "Wheel Fun Rentals"), to have an Initial Term of five years and, at the City's option, a Renewal Term of five years, all under certain terms and conditions. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Commissioner of the Department of Parks and Recreation to acquire certain easements for the purpose of constructing a public recreation trail to connect Junod Playground to Poquessing Creek Park and Benjamin Rush State Park, all under certain terms and conditions. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation to execute a lease with the Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development ("PAID"), obligating PAID to execute a sublease with the Zoological Society of Philadelphia (the "Society"), under which the Society would construct, manage, operate, maintain, and repair a multi-story parking garage and related streetscape improvements along West Girard Avenue, and exempting the proposed lease from the requirements of Philadelphia Code Section 15-101 et seq., commonly called the "Open Lands Protection Ordinance," because the Society has already satisfied the requirements of the Open Lands Protection Ordinance, all under certain terms and conditions. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
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| 1 | | | Bill | Amending Title 9 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Regulation of Businesses, Trades and Professions," and related provisions of The Philadelphia Code pertinent to electric fences, to provide for the operation and regulation of electric fences, all under certain terms and conditions. | READ AND PASSED | Pass | 17:0 |
Action details
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