| 0 | | | COMMUNICATION | Transmitting a message advising Council that Bill Nos. 130384, 130629, 130632, 130633, 130634, 130655, 130695 and 130700, which were passed by Council on November 14, 2013, were signed by the Mayor on December 4, 2013. | READ | | |
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| 0 | | | COMMUNICATION | Transmitting a message advising Council that Bill Nos. 130579, 130584, 130590, 130692, 130719, 130720, 130725, 130726, 130766, 130767, 130769, 130814 and 130815, which were passed by Council on November 21, 2013, were signed by the Mayor on December 4, 2013. | READ | | |
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| 0 | | | COMMUNICATION | December 4, 2013
For the reasons set forth below, I hereby return to your Honorable Body as disapproved Bill No. 130770, which passed on November 21, 2013.
This Bill would amend the Zoning Code to provide that "Medical Dental and Health Practitioner (Solo Practitioner and Group Practitioner) uses are prohibited" in all commercial and industrial zones in the Sixth and Tenth Councilmanic Districts. Effectively, this means solo and group medical, dental, or other health practices (for instance, a physical therapy office) cannot be established as of right in these two districts.
Let me repeat that. This Bill effectively bans the establishment or expansion of medical, dental, or other health practices as of right in these districts. Quite simply, this is why I am constrained to disapprove this Bill. At a time when access to healthcare should be expanding for all Americans, this Bill carves out two Councilmanic districts where that evolution toward a better, healthier society will f | READ | | |
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| 0 | | | COMMUNICATION | December 4, 2013
Pursuant to Sections 4-604 and 2-307 of the Home Rule Charter, I am today transmitting to the Council the recommendation of the City Planning Commission on the following bills:
Bill No. 130636 Recommended for approval.
Bill No. 130656 Recommended for conditional approval with amendments
Bill No. 130694 Not recommended for approval
Bill No. 130699 Not recommended for approval
Bill No. 130727 Recommended for approval
Bill No. 130764 Recommended for approval
Bill No. 130763 Recommended for approval in accord with previous policy
Bill No. 130765 Recommended for approval in accord with previous policy
Bill No. 130768 Recommended for conditional approval with amendments
Bill No. 130771 Recommended for conditional approval with amendments
Bill No. 130772 Recommended for approval in accord with previous policy
Bill No. 130773 Recommended for approval in accord with previous policy
Bill No. 130774 Recommended for approval in accord with previous policy
Bill No. 130804 Recomme | READ | | |
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| 0 | | | COMMUNICATION | Transmitting a resolution approving the redevelopment contract of the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority for the redevelopment and urban renewal of a portion of the American Street Industrial Corridor Urban Renewal Area, identified by house numbers and street addresses as 1505-1513 Cadwallader street and 250-266 West Oxford street; and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority to execute the redevelopment contract with Tajdeed Redevelopment Associates, LP and to take such action as may be necessary to effectuate the redevelopment contract, accompanied by an explanatory letter from the Executive Director of the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority. | READ | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | COMMUNICATION | Transmitting a resolution approving the redevelopment contract of the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority for the redevelopment and urban renewal of a portion of the West Parkside Urban Renewal Area, identified by house number and street address as 5100-5122 Merion avenue; and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority to execute the redevelopment contract with First Born Church of God in Christ, Inc. and to take such action as may be necessary to effectuate the redevelopment contract, accompanied by an explanatory letter from the Executive Director of the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | COMMUNICATION | Transmitting a resolution approving the redevelopment contract of the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority for the redevelopment and urban renewal of a portion of the Mantua Urban Renewal Area, identified by house number and street address as 3856 Haverford avenue; and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority to execute the redevelopment contract with Lev Yakubov and to take such action as may be necessary to effectuate the redevelopment contract, accompanied by an explanatory letter from the Executive Director of the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority. | READ | | |
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| 0 | | | COMMUNICATION | Transmitting a resolution approving the redevelopment contract of the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority for the redevelopment and urban renewal of a portion of the Point Breeze Urban Renewal Area, identified by house number and street address as 1618 Ellsworth street; and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority to execute the redevelopment contract with Spartan Management Group, LLC and to take such action as may be necessary to effectuate the redevelopment contract, accompanied by an explanatory from the Executive Director of the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority. | READ | | |
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| 0 | | | COMMUNICATION | Transmitting a bill authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, to convey to the Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development, a parcel of land bounded by North Delaware Avenue to the east, Spring Garden Street to the south, North Beach Street to the west, and Fairmount Avenue to the north, for further conveyance, under certain terms and conditions. | READ | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | COMMUNICATION | Transmitting a bill authorizing and directing the changing of the name of Wishart Street, from Seventeenth Street westwardly and northwestwardly to Allegheny Avenue to Lippincott Street. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | COMMUNICATION | Transmitting a bill authorizing the revision of lines and grades on a portion of City Plan No. 258 by relocating the southeasterly houseline of Tacony Street, from a point approximately one-thousand seven hundref fifty-seven feet northeast of Bridge Street to a point approximately six-hundred seventy-four feet further northeastwardly therefrom, a variable distance southeastwardly and relocating the southeasterly curbline of Tacony Street, from a point approximately one-thousand five-hundred forty-two feet northeast of Bridge Street to a point apprxoimately nine-hundred ninety-two feet further northeastwardly therefrom, a variable distance southeastwardly and authorizing acceptance of the grant to the City of certain easement areas for public pedestrian use and for traffic signage and signals and equipment adjacent to the southeasterly side of said Tacony Street, all under certain terms and conditions, accompahied by an epxlanatory letter from the Streets Commissioner. | READ | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Approving the redevelopment contract of the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority for the redevelopment and urban renewal of a portion of the Mantua Urban Renewal Area, identified by house number and street address as 3856 Haverford avenue; and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority to execute the redevelopment contract with Lev Yakubov and to take such action as may be necessary to effectuate the redevelopment contract. | Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvement thereon, situate in the Third, Fifty-first and Sixtieth Wards of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvements in accordance with the terms of Chapter l6-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, to execute and enter into a Declaration of Rights, Easements, Covenants and Restrictions to govern the relationship among (1) that certain parcel of land, together with the improvements thereon, commonly known as JFK Plaza, located at 15th and Arch Streets, (2) that certain parcel of land, together with the improvements located thereon, commonly known as Love Park Parking Garage, located generally beneath JFK Plaza at 15th and Arch Streets, and (3) certain parcels of land around and beneath Love Park Parking Garage, under certain terms and conditions. | Introduced and Referred | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, to execute and deliver a deed conveying fee simple title to a certain parcel of land, together with the improvements located thereon, commonly known as Love Park Parking Garage, located generally beneath JFK Plaza at 15th and Arch Streets; together with certain rights and obligations of the owner of the Love Park Parking Garage unit under a certain Declaration of Rights, Easements, Covenants and Restrictions, all under certain terms and conditions. | Introduced and Referred | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Sixteenth, Twenty-ninth and Thirty-second Wards of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvements in accordance with the terms of Chapter l6-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Repealing Bill No. 110649 (approved November 14, 2011), entitled "An Ordinance establishing a no truck parking regulation on Bath Street, between Hedley Street and Orthodox Street, both sides," and establishing a no truck parking regulation on Bath Street, between Bristol Street and Orthodox Street, both sides. | Introduced and Referred | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a no truck parking regulation on Gilbert Street, between East Sedgwick Street and East Mount Pleasant Avenue, both sides. | Introduced and Referred | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a one-way regulation on East Duval Street, from Mansfield Avenue to Stenton Avenue, westbound. | Introduced and Referred | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Honoring, recognizing and commending the American Society of Civil Engineers for its extraordinary service and dedication to the innovation of vital City infrastructure. | Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Thirty-sixth Ward of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvements in accordance with the terms of Chapter l6-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Thirty-sixth and Fortieth Wards of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvements in accordance with the terms of Chapter l6-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Approving the redevelopment contract of the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority for the redevelopment and urban renewal of a portion of the Point Breeze Urban Renewal Area, identified by house number and street address as 1618 Ellsworth street; and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority to execute the redevelopment contract with Spartan Management Group, LLC and to take such action as may be necessary to effectuate the redevelopment contract. | Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Approving the redevelopment contract of the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority for the redevelopment and urban renewal of a portion of the American Street Industrial Corridor Urban Renewal Area, identified by house numbers and street addresses as 1505-1513 Cadwallader street and 250-266 West Oxford street; and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority to execute the redevelopment contract with Tajdeed Redevelopment Associates, LP and to take such action as may be necessary to effectuate the redevelopment contract. | Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Committee on Public Safety to hold hearings to investigate Notario Fraud and other forms of immigration consultant fraud in the City of Philadelphia. | Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar | Pass | |
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Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing transfers in appropriations for Fiscal Year 2014 from the Grants Revenue Fund, the Director of Finance - Provision for Other Grants to the General Fund, the District Attorney. | Introduced and Referred | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Committee on Finance to conduct public hearings to examine the City Budget for nontraditional funding sources to assist low and middle income households with home repair and maintenance service to address household energy needs, weatherization and improved energy efficiency in light of CDBG funding cuts and federal funding reductions to homeowner assistance programs. | Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Approving the redevelopment contract of the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority for the redevelopment and urban renewal of a portion of the West Parkside Urban Renewal Area, identified by house number and street address as 5100-5122 Merion avenue; and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority to execute the redevelopment contract with First Born Church of God in Christ, Inc. and to take such action as may be necessary to effectuate the redevelopment contract. | Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, to convey to the Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development, a parcel of land bounded by North Delaware Avenue to the east, Spring Garden Street to the south, North Beach Street to the west, and Fairmount Avenue to the north, for further conveyance, under certain terms and conditions. | Introduced and Referred | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | To amend the Philadelphia Zoning Maps by changing the zoning designations of certain areas of land located within an area bounded by Spruce Street, Juniper Street, Cypress Street, Watts Street, Pine Street and Broad Street, by amending Chapter 14-500 of the Zoning Code entitled "Overlay Zoning", by amending Chapter 14-700 of the Zoning Code entitled "Development Standards", and by amending Chapter 14-800 of the Zoning Code entitled "Parking and Loading", under certain terms and conditions. | Introduced and Referred | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Kater street, south side, 7th street to 6th street. | Introduced and Referred | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Winton street, north side, 10th street to 11th street. | Introduced and Referred | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Kimball street, south side, 7th street to 6th street. | Introduced and Referred | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Federal street, both sides, 11th street to 12th street. | Introduced and Referred | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Cross street, south side, Dickinson street to Passyunk avenue. | Introduced and Referred | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Passyunk avenue, south side, Wharton street to 9th street. | Introduced and Referred | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Wharton street, north side, Passyunk avenue to 9th street. | Introduced and Referred | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on 9th street, west side, Wharton street to Passyunk avenue. | Introduced and Referred | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Wharton street, both sides, 7th street to 6th street. | Introduced and Referred | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Bainbridge street, south side, Juniper street to 13th street. | Introduced and Referred | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Establishing a parking regulation on Manton street, south side, 7th street to Dead End street. | Introduced and Referred | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by revising use regulations relating to medical, dental and health practitioners in certain areas of the City, under certain terms and conditions. | Introduced and Referred | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the revision of lines and grades on a portion of City Plan No. 308 by striking from the City Plan and vacating Cypress Street from Broad Street to a point approximately ninety feet southeastwardly therefrom, under certain terms and conditions. | Introduced and Referred | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 9 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled, "Regulation Of Businesses, Trades And Professions," to clarify that it is discrimination based on sex and therefore an unlawful business practice for any employer to fail to accommodate an individual's reasonable need to express breast milk; all under certain terms and conditions. | Introduced and Referred | Pass | |
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Proclaiming January 13, 2014 as Korean American Day in the City of Philadelphia to celebrate and commemorate the proud heritage of Korean Americans and their invaluable contributions to enhancing the City's culture, economy, and the founding ideals of independence and democracy. | Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar | Pass | |
Action details
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| 1 | | | Bill | Amending Title 4 "The Philadelphia Building Construction and Occupancy Code," by amending Subcode "A" (The Philadelphia Administrative Code), Subcode "F" (The Philadelphia Fire Code), and Subcode "PM" (The Philadelphia Property Maintenance Code) of The Philadelphia Code, by further amending construction and demolition practices, including but not limited to the following: adding new enforcement and inspection powers for the Fire Department at construction and demolition sites, requiring sharing of information amongst the City's departments to ensure compliance with all aspects of the code, establishing worksite public safety requirements, requiring evidence of training compliance by construction and demolition workers and new signage requirements; all under certain terms and conditions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
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| 1 | | | Bill | Amending Title 4 "The Philadelphia Building Construction and Occupancy Code," by amending Subcode "A" (The Philadelphia Administrative Code), Subcode "F" (The Philadelphia Fire Code), and Subcode "PM" (The Philadelphia Property Maintenance Code) of The Philadelphia Code, by further amending construction and demolition practices, including but not limited to the following: adding new enforcement and inspection powers for the Fire Department at construction and demolition sites, requiring sharing of information amongst the City's departments to ensure compliance with all aspects of the code, establishing worksite public safety requirements, requiring evidence of training compliance by construction and demolition workers and new signage requirements; all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | To amend the Philadelphia Zoning Maps by changing the zoning designations of certain areas of land located within an area bounded by Sepviva Street, Butler Street, Aramingo Avenue, Castor Avenue, Gaul Street, Westmoreland Street, Tulip Street, and Castor Avenue. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | To amend the Philadelphia Zoning Maps by changing the zoning designations of certain areas of land located within an area bounded by Sepviva Street, Butler Street, Aramingo Avenue, Castor Avenue, Gaul Street, Westmoreland Street, Tulip Street, and Castor Avenue. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
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| 1 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by amending Section 14-503 to change the geographic boundaries of the North Delaware Avenue Neighborhood Commercial Area (/NCA) Overlay District and by amending Section 14-802 to repeal the special parking controls for the Delaware River Waterfront, all under certain terms and conditions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
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| 1 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by amending Section 14-503 to change the geographic boundaries of the North Delaware Avenue Neighborhood Commercial Area (/NCA) Overlay District and by amending Section 14-802 to repeal the special parking controls for the Delaware River Waterfront, all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by adding provisions permitting and regulating the erection of non-accessory advertising on School District of Philadelphia property, under certain terms and conditions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by adding provisions permitting and regulating the erection of non-accessory advertising on School District of Philadelphia property, under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
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| 1 | | | Bill | To amend the Philadelphia Zoning Maps by changing the zoning designations of certain areas of land located within an area bounded by Laurel Street, Front Street, Delaware Avenue, Water Street, the Delaware River, Christopher Columbus Boulevard, and Oregon Avenue. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
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| 1 | | | Bill | To amend the Philadelphia Zoning Maps by changing the zoning designations of certain areas of land located within an area bounded by Laurel Street, Front Street, Delaware Avenue, Water Street, the Delaware River, Christopher Columbus Boulevard, and Oregon Avenue. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Section 14-506 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "/NCP North Central Philadelphia Overlay District" by specifically amending Section 14-506(2)(c) entitled "Sunset Provision" to extend the stated expiration date until December 31, 2016; all under certain terms and conditions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Section 14-506 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "/NCP North Central Philadelphia Overlay District" by specifically amending Section 14-506(2)(c) entitled "Sunset Provision" to extend the stated expiration date until December 31, 2016; all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by making technical and clarifying changes, under certain terms and conditions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by making technical and clarifying changes, under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Approving a new plan, estimated costs and proposed method of assessment of the Old City Special Services District for and concerning business improvements and administrative services to the Old City area of the City of Philadelphia and authorizing a change to the registered office address of the Old City Special Services District, all under certain terms and conditions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Approving a new plan, estimated costs and proposed method of assessment of the Old City Special Services District for and concerning business improvements and administrative services to the Old City area of the City of Philadelphia and authorizing a change to the registered office address of the Old City Special Services District, all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by revising certain provisions, including provisions relating to definitions, civic design review, the Center City Overlay District, the East Falls Neighborhood Commercial Overlay District, use categories and regulations, certain residential district dimensional standards, and parking and loading regulations for certain residential and commercial districts, all under certain terms and conditions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by revising certain provisions, including provisions relating to definitions, civic design review, the Center City Overlay District, the East Falls Neighborhood Commercial Overlay District, use categories and regulations, certain residential district dimensional standards, and parking and loading regulations for certain residential and commercial districts, all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | To amend the Institutional (Special Purpose) District Master Plan of the Philadelphia Presbytery Homes and Services for the Aging for the construction of an addition to house the Witherspoon Senior Apartments. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | To amend the Institutional (Special Purpose) District Master Plan of the Philadelphia Presbytery Homes and Services for the Aging for the construction of an addition to house the Witherspoon Senior Apartments. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by revising certain use regulations relating to vehicle and vehicular equipment sales and service uses in certain commercial districts, under certain terms and conditions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by revising certain use regulations relating to vehicle and vehicular equipment sales and service uses in certain commercial districts, under certain terms and conditions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by revising certain use regulations relating to vehicle and vehicular equipment sales and service uses in certain commercial districts, under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by revising certain use regulations relating to vehicle and vehicular equipment sales and service uses in certain commercial districts, under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by providing for and regulating accessory Digital News Ticker Signs in the Market Street East Advertising District and adding definitions, all under certain terms and conditions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by providing for and regulating accessory Digital News Ticker Signs in the Market Street East Advertising District and adding definitions, all under certain terms and conditions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by providing for and regulating accessory Digital News Ticker Signs in the Market Street East Advertising District and adding definitions, all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by providing for and regulating accessory Digital News Ticker Signs in the Market Street East Advertising District and adding definitions, all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Section 10-1001 of The Philadelphia Code ("Fees of Commissioner of Records") to raise the fee for recording documents, all under certain terms and conditions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Section 10-1001 of The Philadelphia Code ("Fees of Commissioner of Records") to raise the fee for recording documents, all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Chapter 19-3900 of The Philadelphia Code to extend the deadline to apply for tax exemptions as a longtime owner-occupants of certain properties in the City of Philadelphia. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Chapter 19-3900 of The Philadelphia Code to extend the deadline to apply for tax exemptions as a longtime owner-occupants of certain properties in the City of Philadelphia. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Chapter 19-3900 of The Philadelphia Code to extend the deadline to apply for tax exemptions as a longtime owner-occupants of certain properties in the City of Philadelphia. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Chapter 19-3900 of The Philadelphia Code to extend the deadline to apply for tax exemptions as a longtime owner-occupants of certain properties in the City of Philadelphia. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing transfers in appropriations for Fiscal Year 2014 from the Community Development Fund, the Director of Finance - Community Development Block Grant to the Community Development Fund, the Mayor - Office of Housing and Community Development. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing transfers in appropriations for Fiscal Year 2014 from the Community Development Fund, the Director of Finance - Community Development Block Grant to the Community Development Fund, the Mayor - Office of Housing and Community Development. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing transfers in appropriations for Fiscal Year 2014 from the Grants Revenue Fund, the Director of Finance - Provision for Other Grants to the Grants Revenue Fund, certain or all City offices, departments, boards and commissions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing transfers in appropriations for Fiscal Year 2014 from the Grants Revenue Fund, the Director of Finance - Provision for Other Grants to the Grants Revenue Fund, certain or all City offices, departments, boards and commissions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing transfers in appropriations for Fiscal Year 2013 within the General Fund from certain or all City offices, departments, boards and commissions to certain or all City offices, departments, boards and commissions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing transfers in appropriations for Fiscal Year 2013 within the General Fund from certain or all City offices, departments, boards and commissions to certain or all City offices, departments, boards and commissions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing transfers in appropriations for Fiscal Year 2013 within the Aviation Fund from certain or all City offices, departments, boards and commissions to the Director of Finance - Fringe Benefits. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing transfers in appropriations for Fiscal Year 2013 within the Aviation Fund from certain or all City offices, departments, boards and commissions to the Director of Finance - Fringe Benefits. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing transfers in appropriations for Fiscal Year 2013 from the Grants Revenue Fund, the Director of Finance - Provision for Other Grants and from the Acute Care Hospital Fund, the Department of Public Health to the Acute Care Hospital Fund, the Department of Public Health - State Payment. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing transfers in appropriations for Fiscal Year 2013 from the Grants Revenue Fund, the Director of Finance - Provision for Other Grants and from the Acute Care Hospital Fund, the Department of Public Health to the Acute Care Hospital Fund, the Department of Public Health - State Payment. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Amending Chapter 9-1100 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Fair Practices Ordinance: Protections Against Unlawful Discrimination," by requiring reasonable workplace accommodations for employees who have needs related to pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition and making technical changes, all under certain terms and conditions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Amending Chapter 9-1100 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Fair Practices Ordinance: Protections Against Unlawful Discrimination," by requiring reasonable workplace accommodations for employees who have needs related to pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition and making technical changes, all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia of an amendment to The Philadelphia Home Rule Charter to permit City elected officials to become candidates for nomination or election to public office without first resigning from their City office, under certain terms and conditions; fixing the date of a special election for such purpose; prescribing the form of ballot question to be voted on; and authorizing the appropriate officers to publish notice and to make arrangements for the special election. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia of an amendment to The Philadelphia Home Rule Charter to permit City elected officials to become candidates for nomination or election to public office without first resigning from their City office, under certain terms and conditions; fixing the date of a special election for such purpose; prescribing the form of ballot question to be voted on; and authorizing the appropriate officers to publish notice and to make arrangements for the special election. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Proposing an amendment to the "resign to run" provision of the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter so that City elected officials may become candidates for nomination or election to public office without first resigning from their City office, under certain terms and conditions, and providing for the submission of the amendment to the electors of Philadelphia. | ORDERED PLACED ON FINAL PASSAGE CALENDAR FOR NEXT MEETING. | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, to convey to the Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development, a parcel with an address of 4732-34 Griscom Street, for further conveyance, under certain terms and conditions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, to convey to the Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development, a parcel with an address of 4732-34 Griscom Street, for further conveyance, under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, to enter into an amendment to the sublease agreement with the Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development, for use by the City, of an additional portion of the premises located at 111 North 49th Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania by the City, all under certain terms and conditions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, to enter into an amendment to the sublease agreement with the Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development, for use by the City, of an additional portion of the premises located at 111 North 49th Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania by the City, all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, to enter into ground lease and sublease agreements with the Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development for certain land and improvements located on a parcel of land bounded by South Broad Street to the east, Castle Avenue to the south, 15th Street to the west, and Morris Street to the north, all under certain terms and conditions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, to enter into ground lease and sublease agreements with the Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development for certain land and improvements located on a parcel of land bounded by South Broad Street to the east, Castle Avenue to the south, 15th Street to the west, and Morris Street to the north, all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Propetiy to lease to the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority ("SEPTA") certain land and improvements known as City Owned Transit Properties, and further authorizing acceptance of title to certain real estate and improvements from SEPTA, all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PRINTED AND PLACED ON NEXT FIRST READING CALENDAR | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Section 2 of an Ordinance (Bill No. 090120), approved April 15, 2009, entitled "An Ordinance authorizing the revision of lines and grades on a portion of City Plan Nos. 107 and 130 by striking from the City Plan and vacating the legally open portions of Forty-seventh Street from Fairmount Avenue to Brown Street; striking from the City Plan and vacating Aspen Street from Forty-seventh Street to Markoe Street; and reserving on the City Plan, and authorizing City acceptance of, rights-of-way for various purposes within the lines of Forty-seventh Street and Aspen Street being stricken; all under certain terms and conditions," by extending the period for compliance with the terms and conditions stated therein. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Section 2 of an Ordinance (Bill No. 090120), approved April 15, 2009, entitled "An Ordinance authorizing the revision of lines and grades on a portion of City Plan Nos. 107 and 130 by striking from the City Plan and vacating the legally open portions of Forty-seventh Street from Fairmount Avenue to Brown Street; striking from the City Plan and vacating Aspen Street from Forty-seventh Street to Markoe Street; and reserving on the City Plan, and authorizing City acceptance of, rights-of-way for various purposes within the lines of Forty-seventh Street and Aspen Street being stricken; all under certain terms and conditions," by extending the period for compliance with the terms and conditions stated therein. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Authorizing Chestlen Development LP, owner and developer of 1441 Chestnut Street to construct, own and maintain various encroachments to be installed in conjunction with a mixed-use development, all under certain terms and conditions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Authorizing Chestlen Development LP, owner and developer of 1441 Chestnut Street to construct, own and maintain various encroachments to be installed in conjunction with a mixed-use development, all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Authorizing Green Eggs Café to construct, own and maintain an open-air sidewalk café at 1306 Dickinson Street, Philadelphia, PA, under certain terms and conditions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Authorizing Green Eggs Café to construct, own and maintain an open-air sidewalk café at 1306 Dickinson Street, Philadelphia, PA, under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing Green Eggs Café to construct, own and maintain an open-air sidewalk café at 719 North 2nd Street, Philadelphia, PA, under certain terms and conditions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing Green Eggs Café to construct, own and maintain an open-air sidewalk café at 719 North 2nd Street, Philadelphia, PA, under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing Global Crepes & Local Shakes to construct, own and maintain an open-air sidewalk café at 1309 South 9th Street, Philadelphia, PA, under certain terms and conditions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing Global Crepes & Local Shakes to construct, own and maintain an open-air sidewalk café at 1309 South 9th Street, Philadelphia, PA, under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing Likmos, Inc. t/a Dmitri's to construct, own and maintain an open-air sidewalk café at 944 North 2nd Street, Philadelphia, PA, under certain terms and conditions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing Likmos, Inc. t/a Dmitri's to construct, own and maintain an open-air sidewalk café at 944 North 2nd Street, Philadelphia, PA, under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing TELA Partners dba Fairmount Coffee Company to construct, own and maintain an open-air sidewalk café at 888 North 26th Street, Philadelphia, PA, under certain terms and conditions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing TELA Partners dba Fairmount Coffee Company to construct, own and maintain an open-air sidewalk café at 888 North 26th Street, Philadelphia, PA, under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing Lloyd's Whiskey Bar to construct, own and maintain an open-air sidewalk café at 529 E. Girard Avenue, Philadelphia, PA, under certain terms and conditions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing Lloyd's Whiskey Bar to construct, own and maintain an open-air sidewalk café at 529 E. Girard Avenue, Philadelphia, PA, under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the installation of all-way stop signs at the intersection of Bleigh Avenue and Claridge Street. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the installation of all-way stop signs at the intersection of Bleigh Avenue and Claridge Street. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Amending Title 4 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "The Philadelphia Building Construction and Occupancy Code," by repealing Subcode PM, entitled "The Philadelphia Property Maintenance Code," and adopting and incorporating, with certain additions, deletions and amendments, the 2009 International Property Maintenance Code as the Philadelphia Property Maintenance Code; further amending Title 9 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Regulation of Businesses, Trades, and Professions," to recodify, consolidate, revise, modify, and set forth provisions regulating certain or all rental properties and tenants thereof and certain or all vacant properties, previously set forth by the Philadelphia Property Maintenance Code and other provisions; and further making technical and conforming amendments throughout The Philadelphia Code; all under certain terms and conditions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Amending Title 4 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "The Philadelphia Building Construction and Occupancy Code," by repealing Subcode PM, entitled "The Philadelphia Property Maintenance Code," and adopting and incorporating, with certain additions, deletions and amendments, the 2009 International Property Maintenance Code as the Philadelphia Property Maintenance Code; further amending Title 9 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Regulation of Businesses, Trades, and Professions," to recodify, consolidate, revise, modify, and set forth provisions regulating certain or all rental properties and tenants thereof and certain or all vacant properties, previously set forth by the Philadelphia Property Maintenance Code and other provisions; and further making technical and conforming amendments throughout The Philadelphia Code; all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Amending Title 4 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "The Philadelphia Building Construction and Occupancy Code," by amending Subcode "A" (The Philadelphia Administrative Code), by authorizing the code official to gain access to enclosed and secured vacant lots for the purpose of abating violations, under certain terms and conditions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Amending Title 4 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "The Philadelphia Building Construction and Occupancy Code," by amending Subcode "A" (The Philadelphia Administrative Code), by authorizing the code official to gain access to enclosed and secured vacant lots for the purpose of abating violations, under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Amending Subcode "PM" (The Philadelphia Property Maintenance Code) of The Philadelphia Code, by revising provisions relating to graffiti removal, penalties and enforcement, all under certain terms and conditions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Amending Subcode "PM" (The Philadelphia Property Maintenance Code) of The Philadelphia Code, by revising provisions relating to graffiti removal, penalties and enforcement, all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Naming and designating the Department of Parks and Recreation owned playground on the 2300 block of N. 5th Street as the "Rainbow De Colores Playground." | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Naming and designating the Department of Parks and Recreation owned playground on the 2300 block of N. 5th Street as the "Rainbow De Colores Playground." | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Parks and Recreation Commissioner on behalf of the City of Philadelphia ("City"), to execute a Maintenance Agreement with the Township of Lower Merion ("Township") under which the City will assist the Township in maintaining certain elements of the recreational trail crossing Manayunk Bridge, all under certain terms and conditions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Parks and Recreation Commissioner on behalf of the City of Philadelphia ("City"), to execute a Maintenance Agreement with the Township of Lower Merion ("Township") under which the City will assist the Township in maintaining certain elements of the recreational trail crossing Manayunk Bridge, all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property and the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation to enter into a lease agreement with the Philadelphia Housing Authority for use by the City of the property located in the area bounded by Aspen Street, Markoe Street, Fairmount Avenue, and 47th Street, all under certain terms and conditions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property and the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation to enter into a lease agreement with the Philadelphia Housing Authority for use by the City of the property located in the area bounded by Aspen Street, Markoe Street, Fairmount Avenue, and 47th Street, all under certain terms and conditions. | SUSPEND THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL | Pass | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property and the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation to enter into a lease agreement with the Philadelphia Housing Authority for use by the City of the property located in the area bounded by Aspen Street, Markoe Street, Fairmount Avenue, and 47th Street, all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property and the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation to enter into a lease agreement with the Philadelphia Housing Authority for use by the City of the property located in the area bounded by Aspen Street, Markoe Street, Fairmount Avenue, and 47th Street, all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON THIS DAY`S FIRST READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by revising use regulations relating to medical, dental and health practitioners in certain areas of the City, under certain terms and conditions. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by revising use regulations relating to medical, dental and health practitioners in certain areas of the City, under certain terms and conditions. | | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Amending Title 4 "The Philadelphia Building Construction and Occupancy Code," by amending Subcode "A" (The Philadelphia Administrative Code), Subcode "F" (The Philadelphia Fire Code), and Subcode "PM" (The Philadelphia Property Maintenance Code) of The Philadelphia Code, by further amending construction and demolition practices, including but not limited to the following: adding new enforcement and inspection powers for the Fire Department at construction and demolition sites, requiring sharing of information amongst the City's departments to ensure compliance with all aspects of the code, establishing worksite public safety requirements, requiring evidence of training compliance by construction and demolition workers and new signage requirements; all under certain terms and conditions. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | | | Bill | Amending Title 4 "The Philadelphia Building Construction and Occupancy Code," by amending Subcode "A" (The Philadelphia Administrative Code), Subcode "F" (The Philadelphia Fire Code), and Subcode "PM" (The Philadelphia Property Maintenance Code) of The Philadelphia Code, by further amending construction and demolition practices, including but not limited to the following: adding new enforcement and inspection powers for the Fire Department at construction and demolition sites, requiring sharing of information amongst the City's departments to ensure compliance with all aspects of the code, establishing worksite public safety requirements, requiring evidence of training compliance by construction and demolition workers and new signage requirements; all under certain terms and conditions. | AMENDED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | | | Bill | Amending Title 4 "The Philadelphia Building Construction and Occupancy Code," by amending Subcode "A" (The Philadelphia Administrative Code), Subcode "F" (The Philadelphia Fire Code), and Subcode "PM" (The Philadelphia Property Maintenance Code) of The Philadelphia Code, by further amending construction and demolition practices, including but not limited to the following: adding new enforcement and inspection powers for the Fire Department at construction and demolition sites, requiring sharing of information amongst the City's departments to ensure compliance with all aspects of the code, establishing worksite public safety requirements, requiring evidence of training compliance by construction and demolition workers and new signage requirements; all under certain terms and conditions. | WITHDRAWN FROM CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | | | Bill | Amending Title 4 "The Philadelphia Building Construction and Occupancy Code," by amending Subcode "A" (The Philadelphia Administrative Code), Subcode "F" (The Philadelphia Fire Code), and Subcode "PM" (The Philadelphia Property Maintenance Code) of The Philadelphia Code, by further amending construction and demolition practices, including but not limited to the following: adding new enforcement and inspection powers for the Fire Department at construction and demolition sites, requiring sharing of information amongst the City's departments to ensure compliance with all aspects of the code, establishing worksite public safety requirements, requiring evidence of training compliance by construction and demolition workers and new signage requirements; all under certain terms and conditions. | RECOMMITTED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | | | Bill | Amending Title 4 "The Philadelphia Building Construction and Occupancy Code," by amending Subcode "A" (The Philadelphia Administrative Code), Subcode "F" (The Philadelphia Fire Code), and Subcode "PM" (The Philadelphia Property Maintenance Code) of The Philadelphia Code, by further amending construction and demolition practices, including but not limited to the following: adding new enforcement and inspection powers for the Fire Department at construction and demolition sites, requiring sharing of information amongst the City's departments to ensure compliance with all aspects of the code, establishing worksite public safety requirements, requiring evidence of training compliance by construction and demolition workers and new signage requirements; all under certain terms and conditions. | Re-Referred | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | To amend the Philadelphia Zoning Maps by changing the zoning designations of certain areas of land located within an area bounded by Sepviva Street, Butler Street, Aramingo Avenue, Castor Avenue, Gaul Street, Westmoreland Street, Tulip Street, and Castor Avenue. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by amending Section 14-503 to change the geographic boundaries of the North Delaware Avenue Neighborhood Commercial Area (/NCA) Overlay District and by amending Section 14-802 to repeal the special parking controls for the Delaware River Waterfront, all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by adding provisions permitting and regulating the erection of non-accessory advertising on School District of Philadelphia property, under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | To amend the Philadelphia Zoning Maps by changing the zoning designations of certain areas of land located within an area bounded by Laurel Street, Front Street, Delaware Avenue, Water Street, the Delaware River, Christopher Columbus Boulevard, and Oregon Avenue. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Section 14-506 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "/NCP North Central Philadelphia Overlay District" by specifically amending Section 14-506(2)(c) entitled "Sunset Provision" to extend the stated expiration date until December 31, 2016; all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by making technical and clarifying changes, under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Approving a new plan, estimated costs and proposed method of assessment of the Old City Special Services District for and concerning business improvements and administrative services to the Old City area of the City of Philadelphia and authorizing a change to the registered office address of the Old City Special Services District, all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by revising certain provisions, including provisions relating to definitions, civic design review, the Center City Overlay District, the East Falls Neighborhood Commercial Overlay District, use categories and regulations, certain residential district dimensional standards, and parking and loading regulations for certain residential and commercial districts, all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | To amend the Institutional (Special Purpose) District Master Plan of the Philadelphia Presbytery Homes and Services for the Aging for the construction of an addition to house the Witherspoon Senior Apartments. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by revising certain use regulations relating to vehicle and vehicular equipment sales and service uses in certain commercial districts, under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by revising certain use regulations relating to vehicle and vehicular equipment sales and service uses in certain commercial districts, under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by providing for and regulating accessory Digital News Ticker Signs in the Market Street East Advertising District and adding definitions, all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by providing for and regulating accessory Digital News Ticker Signs in the Market Street East Advertising District and adding definitions, all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Section 10-1001 of The Philadelphia Code ("Fees of Commissioner of Records") to raise the fee for recording documents, all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Chapter 19-3900 of The Philadelphia Code to extend the deadline to apply for tax exemptions as a longtime owner-occupants of certain properties in the City of Philadelphia. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Chapter 19-3900 of The Philadelphia Code to extend the deadline to apply for tax exemptions as a longtime owner-occupants of certain properties in the City of Philadelphia. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing transfers in appropriations for Fiscal Year 2014 from the Community Development Fund, the Director of Finance - Community Development Block Grant to the Community Development Fund, the Mayor - Office of Housing and Community Development. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing transfers in appropriations for Fiscal Year 2014 from the Grants Revenue Fund, the Director of Finance - Provision for Other Grants to the Grants Revenue Fund, certain or all City offices, departments, boards and commissions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing transfers in appropriations for Fiscal Year 2013 within the General Fund from certain or all City offices, departments, boards and commissions to certain or all City offices, departments, boards and commissions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing transfers in appropriations for Fiscal Year 2013 within the Aviation Fund from certain or all City offices, departments, boards and commissions to the Director of Finance - Fringe Benefits. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing transfers in appropriations for Fiscal Year 2013 from the Grants Revenue Fund, the Director of Finance - Provision for Other Grants and from the Acute Care Hospital Fund, the Department of Public Health to the Acute Care Hospital Fund, the Department of Public Health - State Payment. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Amending Chapter 9-1100 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Fair Practices Ordinance: Protections Against Unlawful Discrimination," by requiring reasonable workplace accommodations for employees who have needs related to pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition and making technical changes, all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia of an amendment to The Philadelphia Home Rule Charter to permit City elected officials to become candidates for nomination or election to public office without first resigning from their City office, under certain terms and conditions; fixing the date of a special election for such purpose; prescribing the form of ballot question to be voted on; and authorizing the appropriate officers to publish notice and to make arrangements for the special election. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia of an amendment to The Philadelphia Home Rule Charter to permit City elected officials to become candidates for nomination or election to public office without first resigning from their City office, under certain terms and conditions; fixing the date of a special election for such purpose; prescribing the form of ballot question to be voted on; and authorizing the appropriate officers to publish notice and to make arrangements for the special election. | AMENDED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia of an amendment to The Philadelphia Home Rule Charter to permit City elected officials to become candidates for nomination or election to public office without first resigning from their City office, under certain terms and conditions; fixing the date of a special election for such purpose; prescribing the form of ballot question to be voted on; and authorizing the appropriate officers to publish notice and to make arrangements for the special election. | ORDERED PLACED ON FINAL PASSAGE CALENDAR FOR NEXT MEETING. | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, to convey to the Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development, a parcel with an address of 4732-34 Griscom Street, for further conveyance, under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, to enter into an amendment to the sublease agreement with the Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development, for use by the City, of an additional portion of the premises located at 111 North 49th Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania by the City, all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, to enter into ground lease and sublease agreements with the Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development for certain land and improvements located on a parcel of land bounded by South Broad Street to the east, Castle Avenue to the south, 15th Street to the west, and Morris Street to the north, all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Bill | Amending Section 2 of an Ordinance (Bill No. 090120), approved April 15, 2009, entitled "An Ordinance authorizing the revision of lines and grades on a portion of City Plan Nos. 107 and 130 by striking from the City Plan and vacating the legally open portions of Forty-seventh Street from Fairmount Avenue to Brown Street; striking from the City Plan and vacating Aspen Street from Forty-seventh Street to Markoe Street; and reserving on the City Plan, and authorizing City acceptance of, rights-of-way for various purposes within the lines of Forty-seventh Street and Aspen Street being stricken; all under certain terms and conditions," by extending the period for compliance with the terms and conditions stated therein. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
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| 1 | | | Bill | Authorizing Chestlen Development LP, owner and developer of 1441 Chestnut Street to construct, own and maintain various encroachments to be installed in conjunction with a mixed-use development, all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
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| 1 | | | Bill | Authorizing Green Eggs Café to construct, own and maintain an open-air sidewalk café at 1306 Dickinson Street, Philadelphia, PA, under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing Green Eggs Café to construct, own and maintain an open-air sidewalk café at 719 North 2nd Street, Philadelphia, PA, under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing Global Crepes & Local Shakes to construct, own and maintain an open-air sidewalk café at 1309 South 9th Street, Philadelphia, PA, under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing Likmos, Inc. t/a Dmitri's to construct, own and maintain an open-air sidewalk café at 944 North 2nd Street, Philadelphia, PA, under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing TELA Partners dba Fairmount Coffee Company to construct, own and maintain an open-air sidewalk café at 888 North 26th Street, Philadelphia, PA, under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing Lloyd's Whiskey Bar to construct, own and maintain an open-air sidewalk café at 529 E. Girard Avenue, Philadelphia, PA, under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the installation of all-way stop signs at the intersection of Bleigh Avenue and Claridge Street. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
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| 1 | | | Bill | Amending Title 4 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "The Philadelphia Building Construction and Occupancy Code," by repealing Subcode PM, entitled "The Philadelphia Property Maintenance Code," and adopting and incorporating, with certain additions, deletions and amendments, the 2009 International Property Maintenance Code as the Philadelphia Property Maintenance Code; further amending Title 9 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Regulation of Businesses, Trades, and Professions," to recodify, consolidate, revise, modify, and set forth provisions regulating certain or all rental properties and tenants thereof and certain or all vacant properties, previously set forth by the Philadelphia Property Maintenance Code and other provisions; and further making technical and conforming amendments throughout The Philadelphia Code; all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
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| 1 | | | Bill | Amending Title 4 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "The Philadelphia Building Construction and Occupancy Code," by amending Subcode "A" (The Philadelphia Administrative Code), by authorizing the code official to gain access to enclosed and secured vacant lots for the purpose of abating violations, under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
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| 1 | | | Bill | Amending Subcode "PM" (The Philadelphia Property Maintenance Code) of The Philadelphia Code, by revising provisions relating to graffiti removal, penalties and enforcement, all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Naming and designating the Department of Parks and Recreation owned playground on the 2300 block of N. 5th Street as the "Rainbow De Colores Playground." | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Parks and Recreation Commissioner on behalf of the City of Philadelphia ("City"), to execute a Maintenance Agreement with the Township of Lower Merion ("Township") under which the City will assist the Township in maintaining certain elements of the recreational trail crossing Manayunk Bridge, all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property and the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation to enter into a lease agreement with the Philadelphia Housing Authority for use by the City of the property located in the area bounded by Aspen Street, Markoe Street, Fairmount Avenue, and 47th Street, all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property and the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation to enter into a lease agreement with the Philadelphia Housing Authority for use by the City of the property located in the area bounded by Aspen Street, Markoe Street, Fairmount Avenue, and 47th Street, all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON NEXT WEEK`S SECOND READING CALENDAR | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to execute and deliver to the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority, without consideration, deeds conveying conditional fee simple title to certain City-owned lots or pieces of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Forty-Seventh Ward of the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to Chapter 16-400 of The Philadelphia Code and authorizing the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority to dispose of such properties for rehabilitation and/or improvements in accordance with the terms of Chapter l6-400 of The Philadelphia Code. | ADOPTED | | |
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Respectfully requesting the Prime Minster of Israel, The Honorable Benjamin Netanyahu, to maintain and support the Foreign Ministry of Israel's diplomatic mission in the United States by retaining The Consulate General of Israel to the Mid-Atlantic Region in Philadelphia. | ADOPTED | | |
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Calling on the School District of Philadelphia, the Community College of Philadelphia and all regional school districts to provide Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) training and certification to students enrolled in Career and Technical Education programs and to further offer such training to Philadelphia residents. | ADOPTED | | |
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Urging the Commonwealth Review and Advisory Committee (RAC), the State Legislature and the Governor to support, review and alter the codes adoption process to ensure the well-being, health and safety of all Pennsylvania residents. | ADOPTED | | |
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the formation of a Hazardous Material Policy Group, to consider and make recommendations on the abatement of additional hazardous substances at demolition sites prior to demolition and to report its findings to the Special Investigating Committee on Demolition Practices. | ADOPTED | | |
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Calling on the Philadelphia Department of Licenses & Inspections to strengthen oversight and enforcement of the construction and demolition industry through effective use of technology by reporting on technology improvement opportunities and further reporting annually on the status of 71 recommendations proposed by the Special Investigating Committee on Demolition Practices in Philadelphia. | ADOPTED | | |
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Calling on Mayor Michael A. Nutter to immediately issue an Executive Order to require enforcement functions at the Department of Licenses and Inspections to report to the Department of Public Safety, as recommended by the Special Investigating Committee on Demolition Practices in Philadelphia. | ADOPTED | | |
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Honoring, recognizing and commending the American Society of Civil Engineers for its extraordinary service and dedication to the innovation of vital City infrastructure. | ADOPTED | | |
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Committee on Public Safety to hold hearings to investigate Notario Fraud and other forms of immigration consultant fraud in the City of Philadelphia. | ADOPTED & REFERRED | | |
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Committee on Finance to conduct public hearings to examine the City Budget for nontraditional funding sources to assist low and middle income households with home repair and maintenance service to address household energy needs, weatherization and improved energy efficiency in light of CDBG funding cuts and federal funding reductions to homeowner assistance programs. | ADOPTED & REFERRED | | |
Action details
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| 0 | | | Resolution | Proclaiming January 13, 2014 as Korean American Day in the City of Philadelphia to celebrate and commemorate the proud heritage of Korean Americans and their invaluable contributions to enhancing the City's culture, economy, and the founding ideals of independence and democracy. | ADOPTED | | |
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| 0 | | | Bill | Authorizing an amendment of the Philadelphia Facilities Management Corporation Agreement to increase the annual payment by the Philadelphia Gas Works to the City, under certain terms and conditions. | ORDER THE BILL PLACED ON NEXT WEEK'S SUSPENSION CALENDAR | | |
Action details
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| 1 | | | Bill | Amending Chapter 13-100 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Water Rates," and amending Chapter 13-200 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Sewer Rates," by providing for an independent rate-making body and processes and procedures for fixing and regulating rates and charges, all under certain terms and conditions. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | | | Bill | Amending Chapter 13-100 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Water Rates," and amending Chapter 13-200 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Sewer Rates," by providing for an independent rate-making body and processes and procedures for fixing and regulating rates and charges, all under certain terms and conditions. | AMENDED | | |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | | | Bill | Amending Chapter 13-100 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Water Rates," and amending Chapter 13-200 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Sewer Rates," by providing for an independent rate-making body and processes and procedures for fixing and regulating rates and charges, all under certain terms and conditions. | ORDERED PLACED ON FINAL PASSAGE CALENDAR FOR NEXT MEETING. | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bill | Repealing Chapter 16-500 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Councilmanic District Development Program," and replacing it with a new Chapter 16-500, entitled "Philadelphia Land Bank," that authorizes the creation of a land bank and provides for its appointment, powers, and duties, all under certain terms and conditions. | READ | | |
Action details
Not available