Authorizing the creation of a Special Investigating Committee on Demolition Practices in the City of Philadelphia, to investigate safety problems and identify solutions related to the oversight of demolition projects in the City and, in furtherance of such investigation, authorizing the issuance of subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents to the full extent authorized under Section 2-401 of the Charter.
WHEREAS, According to the United States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), demolition work poses more risks than the construction of a building; and
WHEREAS, OSHA states that demolition work incurs additional hazards due to unknown factors such as: deviations from the original design introduced during construction, approved or unapproved modifications that altered the original design of the structure, hidden materials or defects, and unknown strengths and weaknesses of construction materials; and
WHEREAS, In order to offset these hidden dangers, personnel involved in demolition work must be fully aware of these types of hazards and the proper safety procedures to employ; and
WHEREAS, The Philadelphia Inquirer reported on June 7, 2013, that approximately 100 demolition permits have been issued by the City so far in 2013, and 300 demolition permits remain open since 2009; and
WHEREAS, On June 5, 2013, a building that was being demolished at 22nd and Market Streets in the City collapsed onto an adjoining building, tragically killing six individuals and injuring 14 others; and
WHEREAS, Section 2-400 of the Home Rule Charter authorizes the entire body of Council or any of its committees to make inquiries and conduct investigations in aid of its legislative powers and functions; and
WHEREAS, It is crucial to the safety and protection of the citizens of Philadelphia and the general welfare of the public for Council to investigate and evaluate the procedures currently in place for demolition practices; now, therefore
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That Council hereby authorizes the creation of a Special Investigating Committee on Demolition Practices in the City of Philadelphia, consisting of those City Council members, members of the National Demolition Association and others appointed by the Council President, to explore problems and identify solutions to safety problems posed by demolition work in the City.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That Council hereby authorizes the creation of a Special Committee consisting of the Council members serving on the Special Investigating Committee on Demolition Practices in the City of Philadelphia, which is hereby authorized to issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents to the full extent authorized under Section 2-401 of the Charter.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Special Investigating Committee shall submit a full report to the Council and the Mayor and make its findings and recommendations available to the public.