Authorizing the Committee on Education to conduct hearings to investigate curriculum realignment opportunities within the School District of Philadelphia to ensure preparedness for Post-COVID-19 career opportunities based upon Philadelphia's labor market forecast.
WHEREAS, In the wake of the devastation to the economy and job market caused by COVID-19, long term income stability, and poverty-reducing job growth will depend on strong education, skills development, and changes to the educational curriculum in Philadelphia that are reflective of the reality we face in a transition to a post-COVID-19 workforce; and
WHEREAS, Between March 10, 2020, when the first COVID-19 case was confirmed in Philadelphia and May 31, 2020, nearly 172,000 Philadelphian residents filed initial claims for unemployment compensation. Over 32,000 of those applications were filed by Philadelphians that were under the age of 25; and
WHEREAS, An open dialogue and partnership with the School District of Philadelphia wherein we share information and assist them with redeveloping a curriculum that is necessary to support our young people in finding and creating the jobs that will support them and their families moving forward; and
WHEREAS, The COVID-19 pandemic threatens the health and economic well-being of Philadelphians. It exacerbates preexisting inequities that young adults and their communities have long faced, leaving many with few opportunities to protect their health and continue earning a paycheck to support their families; and
WHEREAS, Since the Pennsylvania Governor's Stay at Home Order on March 13, 2020, young adults have experienced a disproportionate share of job loss and are likely to remain unemployed even after the shutdown ends; and
WHEREAS, Young adults fared poorly during and after the 2008 recession, never fully recovering from the economic damage; and
WHEREAS, Thousands of Philadelphia residents have been laid off and numerous businesses have been f...
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